11 year old kid plays Inferno

It's not like the kid's playing it at like 10 bpm though. He's doing his best to play it up to speed. There are alot of people 3 times his age who can't move that fast. Just because he's playing someone else's stuff doesn't mean he'll never learn how to write his own. At least we know that he listens to music that's capable of inspiring him to do something like this.
I still think that for an 11 year old, he's pretty damn good, compared to the millions of 11 year olds around the planet. Inferno is a great song and it's hard to play. I don't know if you can play like that, and I don't know if you care, and you're probably reading my post thinking "This kid doesn't know what he's talking about. Technicality means nothing to music." Just so you know, that's what your posts have been coming off as. Technicality can be pretty cool. And just because the kid is playing someone else's material, doesn't mean he's incapable of writing his own. Give the kid some time. He's 11, and he doesn't exactly seem to be a child prodigy now, does he?

Either way, just judging only by a video of him playing Inferno, how do you know he hasn't already written some awesome stuff?

And I agree with Metalstorm.
He's 11. That puts him in 5th grade. At that age I had almost reached two full octaves of range, and didn't even have all of my accidentals down (I play brass). YES he needs lessons and yes his playing doesn't have expression, but who does at that age? You can't expect a kid to have the kind of emotional depth to their playing that an adult or even an older kid would, but at least he is developing the skills that will later allow him to really express himself through music.
technical skills are cool. but they are merely tools. waving around tools doesn't make you a craftsman. as i have said, it's one thing to memorize, it's another to create.

and anyway, you've both missed completely the point of my argument that i have been saying all along: i don't care what you think about the kid. it's that OTHER people actually CARE about this video this much that irks me.
I think there is a slight distinction between our respective ideas, but thanks for crapping on my post anyway :rolleyes:
Before tackling something like Inferno he should at least learn to control his alternate picking. The intro to that song is made up of 16th notes, meaning he should be playing 16 notes a bar. He obviously can't do it yet, so he should slow the song down and nail it at a lower speed and gradually move up. I'm 100% sure he already has the physical ability to pull it off, he's definitely capable of picking at 16th note speed but -->control<-- is the important part. Like I said previously, someone get that kid a metronome.
I think everyone who's criticizing this kid (remember, kid) on the same level as someone who's been through some shit and had some experiance in real emotion is forgetting what it's like to be 11.

I mean seriously, do you guys remember what it was like having the most important thing in your life to be what you got for lunch, or that your mom was being mean because she made you go to the store with her instead or playing with your friends? At this point in his life, I would bet that he has had no experiance that would give him the ability to show a lot of expression in his playing. First of all, yes he probably rushed things a bit and skipped some essential skills (yeah, needs a metronome) but again, remember what it was like to be 11? No one wanted to pick up the guitar to learn scales and technique. You wanted to bust out your favorite song.

And again, the emotion is something he's too young for. At that point, it's about being a mimic. That's not an insult, that's the reality. I'm sure some of you (kenneth) were just genius's with the ability to compose moving orchestral pieces from an early age, but that's not normal. This kid is above average in his musical ability, so hailz to him.
As a guitar teacher, I can say I'm thoroughly impressed, however he's DEFINITELY going to need to change his picking technique as he gets older, since what he's doing now isn't going to allow him to be very accurate down the line (its probably as a result of the guitar's body being as large as he is).

edit: I'll clarify what I mean by "as a guitar teacher I'm impressed." You have to understand that I've tought a lot of kids of all ages (some adults too). 11 year old kids just don't care enough normally to learn to twiddle their fingers around like that, even if it is sloppy. You know what 11 year olds want to play? Green Day...or possibly they have some old crusty uncle that thinks Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton are "the best guitar players ever!!" so they want to learn that shit too. Zach is right, 11 year olds aren't supposed to #1 normally be into this kind of music and #2 have the patience to even learn it (attention spans tend to decrease with younger ages). So yea...kid gets major props from me...although someone should have started him on a righty guitar...lefty guitars are the dumbest shit ever (I'm left handed myself saying this - I play standard). I do not envy him when he has to find a halfway decent guitar (thats not a strat) thats left handed.
Wow! So many moronic replies!

Must make some people feel great to ridicule and put down a fucking 11 year old.

What the fuck were all of you snobs doing at 11? Probably jerkin off.

Now to the video. I think its great to see someone so young not only be into this music but show an interest in LEARNING it!!! AWESOME! Its the young ones that are gonna keep this music alive!

Was he amazing? No. Was he sloppy? Yes. But hes TRYING, and hes doing a pretty decent job for his age.

I agree he should learn to walk before running (thats a metaphor), but hes 11, and Im sure he will mature as he gets older.

shit when I was 11 my favorite band was oasis lol so that tells you something about this kid come on now guys.

man I just wanted to post a vid of this kid I thought was cool and everyone is like no he isnt hold his pick at 90 degree angle, his posture is all wrong etc.....:goggly: lol
once again, to all those ragging on me for not being impressed: (maybe i should post it in bold or underlined or in a flashing sign)

my argument has nothing to do with the kid. it has to do with the fact that people actually care. it's novelty, just like 99% of all online videos.
once again, to all those ragging on me for not being impressed: (maybe i should post it in bold or underlined or in a flashing sign)

my argument has nothing to do with the kid. it has to do with the fact that people actually care. it's novelty, just like 99% of all online videos.

I got what you were saying (I also agree), but you kinda made yourself sound like an asshole critict in previous posts, I'm assuming that's why people are ragging on you.
:lol: I love the size of the guitar relative to the size of the kid.

You guys are harsh. For an 11-year-old, that is AWESOME. By the time he gets older, he'll be able to play anything he wants - whether it's other people's stuff or his own.
I think people should get a kick out of this video and encourage the kid to keep playing. I find it impressive myself. At 35, I can't remember much about being 11, aside from playing basketball at recess and learning how to write stories in school. I think the big thing around at that time was Dungeons & Dragons. After school was soccer practice.

Hell yes, I care that there is a kid out there who at 11 can dedicate himself to learning a song from one of his heroes. Novelty - hell no. The boy should be encouraged to keep playing and developing his talent. What will make this video novelty is nay sayers who push away his talent, or those who try to cash in on his talent by marketing him as an 11-year-old master of the guitar. Build on his talent and let him blossom. I'm sure he will learn many emotional connections to his guitar, and he will devise many ways to express that emotion.

Cheers, kid! Keep kicking ass!
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