I don't see how it would be too difficult. When comparing to our military service, if you really wanted to do something like that, it would be quite simple:
1) Pocket a handful of live rounds during every rifle range exercise, no one would notice since there's 20 people shooting at once and we are given about 80 - 120 rounds every session
2) When you have enough ammo, fill your magazines and just wait until the next formation rehearsal (the rifles are unlocked from the rack)
3) ?????
4) Profit?
Öwen;8673347 said:Just what we need to justify blowing up more sand my pals!
I would never allow a muslim in the US army anyways.....that just stupid
It was a bit harder than that when I was doing my service in '08. There was usually one or two officers, two or three corporals and a cadet (not sure if they're the right ranks in english, but skappari, alikit and a kokelas) constantly watching over us, so most probably someone would have noticed if one of us had tried to steal live rounds. Also, when the exercise was over, an officer always checked our mags, combat vests and pockets. Not very thoroughly, but still.
We had one dude go apeshit pretty heavily, but gladly he didn't have access to a rifle or ammunition at that moment.
I know a few and I'd trust them with my life in combat.... It's a very very low percentage of Muslims that have radical views...
We actually had a PV1 that was able to get away with collecting rounds. Someone had hinted that he had a list of us(leadership) that he wanted to kill for being 'mean' to him. We searched his locker and found a magazine with 15 rounds in it. And we found the list. Unfortunately, they did nothing to this asshole. They just sent him to a different unit, trying to keep the situation quiet. This was at fort hood FYI.... Guy coulda killed a few of us, and he was serious about it. That's why I wonder if this new incident could have been prevented. Supposedly his co workers knew he was very upset.
Did you say this to get up peoples noses, or is this actually how your brain works?![]()
I would never allow a muslim in the US army anyways.....that just stupid
That's absolutely fucking horrible. Glad to hear he didn't manage to pull it off, but his issues won't just go away with a transfer. Talk about sweeping shit under the carpet, huh.
This has to be one of the most stupid statements I have EVER seen on this forum (and there's a pretty long list). Instant FAIL.
Öwen;8673635 said:It was an intentionally provocative comment yes, I was just highlighting that this sort of thing has been used to justify American hostility, so called retribution and murder toward many innocent arabs and muslims before and that I wouldnt be surprised should it happen with this as an excuse.
The casual racism was just used to emphasise the school of thought that many racist right wingers opinions are formed around - that muslims are less than human. No doubt we'll see more of such racism in the days and weeks that follow.
Good points...although I believe the fellow was already a Muslim. His parents were Palestinian if I remember correctly. I have read, however, that he was only devout within the past year, and that he never showed any signs of being involved with other extremists or radical Muslims. He came from a pretty well adjusted family too...lots of successful and integrated folk in his family.
And yes, it definitely was premeditated. Dude was not crazy for doing such a thing, even if it was a horrid and warped act. Hell, Dahmer was proven to not be crazy either if I'm not mistaken.
I would never allow a muslim in the US army anyways.....that just stupid
This has to be one of the most stupid statements I have EVER seen on this forum (and there's a pretty long list). Instant FAIL.