12 dead, 31 wounded after shooting at U.S. military base.

I ran into a couple Muslims when I was in army. They never seamed to be a problem to me. I thought their religion was a bunch of bunk, but then again I think all religions are bunch of bunk.

I actually can't find fault in anybody that volunteers regardless of race, religion, being a queer or what not. Politicians and people that don't go volunteer to go to war talk alot of shit, but seldom walk down to the recruitment office.

Which brings me to what a fucktard this shooter in texas is. No one forced him to join the army. No one forced him to stay in. And he was a doctor, he was supposed to heal people. Everybody wants to know what drove him to do it, who gives a damn, just put him on trial then execute him.
I have to say I'm glad the dude survived. Whenever something tragic like this happens the perpetrator(s) always seems to end up dead at the scene, and we miss the opportunity to look into their mind, before severely (hopefully) punishing them. It will be interesting to see what he has to say after he's well enough to stand trial. I hope he doesn't play the insanity card and just end up in a psych ward, though. Whether or not he's a a full fledged jihadist, I think there was more behind his actions than just flipping out.

On somewhat of a sidenote, anyone see those radical muslims in New York praising the attacks? Born and raised in America, and quick to take advantage of their American rights which allow them to spew such bullshit and hatred towards the land they live in and take advantage of. Talk about biting the hand that feeds...

One dude was saying that in the Koran, Allah commands muslims to terrorize non believers (non-muslims). Religion is all good and well until followers are given enough power to excercise their interpretations of their bronze-age fable books.
Who says crazy people cannot plan and carry out a premeditated action ?

You're correct, teh crazies can carry out premeditated actions. His actions, however, are straight out of the radical Islamic playbook unfortunately. They give away personal items, spend time with friends and family, bath (have to be clean for the virgins . . .) pray, then carry out their plan. From what's been reported, he did those things prior to shooting. Also, anyone who's that committed to a religious ideal may just be a little crazy anyway! LOL
I assume that's sarcasm, since few get to carry concealed weapons on these bases - they're locked down pretty tight to prevent stuff like this. Military bases, high schools, and most college campuses have rules like that and... well...

These religious guys aren´t radicals, they just aren´t hypocrites. It pisses me off how tolerant people are with religion. It´s like saying that it´s ok to be a nazi, as long as you don´t kill jews, because "only radical nazis kills jews". All this shit must end. It´s a shame how religions still exists and people respect it. Most of them are just fascism with another name, and people tolerate it just because most followers don´t really do what they were supposed to do, and when someone does, he´s "just a radical".
Well good for you Gaywolf, what do i win...

I'm just saying if had and ran an army i wouldn't hire the enemy...

Well, overlooking the maturity of your first statement (wow, how original and hurtful), and the ridiculousness of your second statement (so, all muslims are enemies...including one of my closest friends?)

So...people of the same religions have never fought each other throughout history? Christians have never fought against christians in major wars? Hmmm...American revolutionary war, American Civil war, WWI, WWII...no...never happens. So...what was your point? :goggly: