2 members of Damageplan dead...


Jan 9, 2003
West Sussex
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I don't know if one of our stateside contributors can confirm this?

If its true its awful, (if someone has made this up they are sick) whether your a fan of Damageplan, Pantera or you've never heard of them no one should go on stage for a gig and get gunned down.

If this is true my thoughts go out to all the families involved.

And in the words of Saxon.....................

"We will remember
They were born to rock n' roll "
This is terrible. Awful. You go to a gig to enjoy yourself and share camaraderie with fellow metallers - not kill people!
My sympathies to all involved.

Unfortunately heavy metal seems to attract more than its fair share of nutters. This reminds me of that ill-fated Great White gig but let's put this in perspective. I've heard people saying this will make them think twice about going to gigs but you are very unlikely to get hurt at a gig.

Don't let madmen and terrorists dictate your life.

Keep it metal!!


Dimebag! \m/ Bury me in my cadallic rock box!!
Where do I begin.....

It's a damn shame that some crazy wacko decided to take the Pantera breakup personally, and decided to take his crazy thoughts and rage his mind to think Mr. Abbott stole something from him.

I'm so sorry that the media is focusing on the killer and not the killed.
I've heared a lot of things about the guy who did it, and little about the accomplishments of Dimebag other than a vigil. Rock bands have a tough life life on the road...especially club bands (and Saxon's one of them).

I'm personally very saddened by events in Ohio and Rhode Island that put heavy metal in a bad bad spotlight. I love the music and the culture that goes with it... even though I have short hair and wear a tie to work. I make a living in an environment that requires a certain look, and that's my life. Rock bands make a living that requires a certain look so they grow their hair. My point is for one a-hole in particular the culture and image became more than he can handle. "I hang my head in shame" over the tarnish that is brought to the heavy metal welcome mat in USA.

I admit I have never bought a Pantera album, but I do respect the work that they did, and the cop that wacked the d-ckweed with the smoking gun.

Look for me at the next NJ or NY Saxon show. I check this website every week looking for a USA tour anouncement. See you all there.
Some nice comments Mveneck. Unfortunatly, we live in a world where the media knock down the heroes to dig up the dirt but pull up evil bastards to such heights of fame they become heroes.
I just hope that the victim's friends and family can get back on with their lives aas best as they can.
My main concern, however, is that the media decide to use this situation to critisize Rock music as a bad influence. They've done it before and they will do it again.
The media always need to use a scapegoat to provide a reason for their over the top, exploitive, coverage when an atrocity happens. Film makers and writers have had the same treatment.
Judas Priest, remember? Stephen King got major stick when a girl that decided to go nuts happened to have a copy of 'Carrie' in her bag. The horror movie 'Child's Play 3' was actually banned here in the UK because two eight year old killers admitted that they watched it a few days before they killed a toddler - although it had no actual connections to the atrocity performed!

I'm just worried that we are going to have some crazy law suit brought up, because someone reckons Metal makes people go psycho.
To me Rock and Metal fans seem to be the most laid back fans of all. I can hardly say that about Gangster Rap! Now that HAS caused a few murders!
mveneck said:
Where do I begin.....

I'm personally very saddened by events in Ohio and Rhode Island that put heavy metal in a bad bad spotlight. I love the music and the culture that goes with it... even though I have short hair and wear a tie to work. I make a living in an environment that requires a certain look, and that's my life. Rock bands make a living that requires a certain look so they grow their hair. My point is for one a-hole in particular the culture and image became more than he can handle. "I hang my head in shame" over the tarnish that is brought to the heavy metal welcome mat in USA.
Well said, my friend! I can definitely relate, particularly because I live in Rhode Island and used to frequent The Station, where the fire happened during Great White's show. :cry: Since the fire, it has been really tough for hard rock and metal bands in this area (unless they play that trendy hardcore rap-metal shite). After the Station burned down, Lupo's, which was probably the biggest rock club around, got kicked out of their space by a landlord who wanted to put in some upscale condos. The club made an agreement to rent spage from a teeny-bopper dance club, but could only use the space until, like, ten or eleven PM. Then, the owner of another club in the area was hit by some dumb@$$ driving on the wrong side of the highway to escape the cops. This was particularly bad because his club is one of very few in the area that isn't monopolized by cover bands.

Anyway, I'm rambling here a bit, but my point is, rock music, and particularly metal, has suffered some major blows already, and as you guys pointed out, the mainstream media in this country is not likely to help the situation, to say the least. Which is even more of a slap in the face when you consider the tragedy we have just faced. I was only marginally interested in Pantera, but as a guitarist, I could definitely appreciate what Dimebag did. I wish the media could focus a bit on his contribution to music, but we all know that probably won't happen, because our media reporting is done by and for ignorant, culturally illiterate yuppie morons who mostly seem to view music as disposeable, like everything else promoted as pop culture! :erk:.... I'm not bitter..... really, I'm not!
"I wish the media could focus a bit on his contribution to music, but we all know that probably won't happen, because our media reporting is done by and for ignorant, culturally illiterate yuppie morons who mostly seem to view music as disposeable, like everything else promoted as pop culture! .... I'm not bitter..... really, I'm not!"

Bitter or not, Secret, I could not agree with you more. You summed it up superbly!