Dimebag R.I.P. :-(

Thanks for that John... it was much needed. If Justin S. continues to bullshit this thread with his egotistical defences, I will report any further posts as bad posts, and I suggest everyone else do the same.
Nick and John, I understand what you guys are saying. Justin S. is treading on some very fine ground, but he certainly *isn't* a troll account. He seems to have a genuine nature of wanting to rationally express certain ideas/viewpoints and in that sense I think he may get a bit oblivious as to how cold his statements may come off. Let's all just wave the white flag now.

Let me reiterate. A tragic thing has occured, 4 innocent people lost their lives, with one being killed at point blank whilst performing in front of all his fans. The absurdity of the situation, supplemented by the cold hard statements flashing through my mind that *this should never have happened, nor happen again*, is just beyond words. My heartfelt condolences to all four people's loved ones and all of the fans and crew that have been traumatically affected by their experience.
I think many of us aren't trying to exalting his life...He was in the most important band of the 90's (IMO)
So he'll be miss because of his legacy as a GUITAR PLAYER, of course he didn't change the world or whatever you want to call it.
YES I WET MY PILLOW AND I'M STILL DOING IT, he was one of my fave guitar players and I started to listen metal because of PanterA. I don't care if he was a fucking drunk person, he was a thief or even if he beated babies. We're talking about the loss of someone who changed something in music.
Surely every day there are million persons who die and who do many things for the world, which also turns out to be unjust. I'm sorry also about the loss of those persons who were in the show, for their families...
As I said... no one is trying to exalting his life, because he wasn't my relative, I'm crying because he left me something. His music, and he will be respected for that.
Rest In peace Dimebag.
\m/ :kickass:


Justin S. said:
Yes, its a horrible event, and no one deserves to go out like that... but come on guys he wasnt exactly a saint. The teary-eyed eulogies for a drunkard and misogynist make me sick. How many vastly more important and ethical people die every day, yet because you own some record this guy plays on youll go get your pillow wet. Dimebag was southern trash- period.
hey i missed the dime tribute show on headbangers ball does anyone know where a rip of this can be downloaded?
