2-MetalCore. Mix-DI's included.

Awesome song, but I can't seem to download the stems.
Link is not working for me.

EDIT: Seems to be a problem with my internet connection. Downloading the files now! Thanks!!
will have a blast at this tonight.

EDIT: scratch that. i was hoping for DI tracks but i'll have a shot anyway.

Also for anyone who's interested bass is midi.

quick tip as well dude. Name your tracks. Makes things so much easier when it comes to arranging them in the DAW.
hello dude! why you don't upload di tracks for guitars so anyone can get different tone etc? please?
GREAT song! love it!
Hi all)I recorded the guitars in the line through the Ibanez TBX150R Tone Blaster X. DI does not exist, sory. And sory for my eng)
I had a quick blast at this but decided to give up pretty quick as the guitar tracks are all in stereo for some strange reason. I guess i'm just fussy when it comes to tracks

Playing is good tho
mfw there is 1 midi drum track, 1 bass, 2 guitar track and 20 vocal tracks all named NEW