20 minute video interview wikth Mike

1/2 full or 1/2 empty?

Does he sound negative abut being a part of BB, or is he expressing his enthusiastic dedication to Opeth? :chinrub:

They arey two seperate things.
Why would he need to diss his other project to be enthusiastic about Opeth?
I get the timeconstraint, but it sounds like hes not even enjoying playing with BB.

Sounds weird.
They arey two seperate things.
Why would he need to diss his other project to be enthusiastic about Opeth?
I get the timeconstraint, but it sounds like hes not even enjoying playing with BB.

Sounds weird.

I bet he's not enjoying playing anything with BB. :p

Perhaps the lyrics are too diabolical and make him feel guilty or something. Well, he looks like Christ after all.
They arey two seperate things.
Why would he need to diss his other project to be enthusiastic about Opeth?
I get the timeconstraint, but it sounds like hes not even enjoying playing with BB.

Sounds weird.

Well.... you're welcome to read what ever you wish into his comments, but I didn't get that impression at all.

That being said, I'd love to see BB live someday but that appears to be very unlikely.... which sucks.