2004: bands wish list

Hello there, I'm a newbie here.

I bought Marshall Law's 'Power Crazy' best of compilation by Sanctuary about 6 months ago and I can't stop playing it on my CD and MD player.

I think British band like Marshall Law is far better than likes of Nightwish or even mighty Blind Guardian.

Marshall Law don't have annoying happy sing along bits and cheesy key board riff. They are more nasty.

Media in this country treated them like piece of nothing...

I mean band like Primal Fear is more obvious Priest clone. OK I like PF and that...

And none of you has mentioned mighty Scottish NWOBHM gods HOLOCAUST...
They have new album called PRIMAL and this is their heaviest album yet!

Well it was nice to hear someone mentioning Blitzkrieg...

And what's wrong with TEN? They are great retro 80's British style HR band.

I also f**king love GRAVE DIGGER. I got Rheingold which is exellent! Kamelot also, mind you Roy Khan is great singer but bit sounding like homo.

And what about SAVATAGE?

Hell yeah Judas Priest should headline it but I can't see that happening.

They are too big so they'll do it by them selves I guess.

I'll be attending to this years Bloodstock and this is the first time. I wanted to go last year but I didn't have enugh money then.

I must say this but this years line up is slightly poor then '02. I'm sure everyone is entitled to their opinion?


Regards. :D
Next year i would love to see Hammerfall (wishes Oscar a speedy recovery), the almighty Kings of Metal Manowar (i know it's never going to happen but I can wish), Running Wild, Rhapsody and possibly Testament.

Hardly likely but would be a great line-up

HAMMERFALL - gret band and unluky not to play this year

TWISTED SISTER - cos their cool

ICED EARTH - i no laot of ppl want them, and im one of em

FREEDOM CALL - hightlet for me at '02, love to see em again

ANTHRAX - aint seen many america or thrash bands yet

DIO - we love dio

ELVENKING - caught em without a proper singer in 02, love to se em with their new singer.

ne more? hmmm, dont think so, oh yea, i agree primal fear would be good, sounds good to me, wat bout angel dust too? i like them
I would love to see Angra at Bloodstock. I would also love it if Nightwish were there again but I know that probably won't happen :-/ it's a shame because the only other place they would probably play in the UK is London. Manowar would be good but they have fallen out with England, can't remember why, but it's why you never see patches in shops anymore (except of course, my russian import manowar) Shame, seeing as they dedicated an album to us! My Dying Bride would be a welcome addition too, they are from the UK so they should do it. Plus I think synth/keyboard rules in metal music, adds a whole new dimension to the genre. Metal doesn't have to be music to kick someone's head in to :p That was just a joke, I like all kinds of metal really, except Nu, but that's not metal so it doesn't count!
My choices would be:

ELVENKING - If their second album is anything like their first, then these could well be one of the highlights of the festival.

BAL-SAGOTH - For the spectacle alone!

DIMMU BORGIR - Great band and would certainly have to be high up the bill.

BRUCE DICKINSON - After he re-joined Maiden, he's forgotten about his solo stuff, and this would be a perfect opportunity to gig with arguably his best work.

THUNDER - Not a huge fan myself, but they are British and they would be another different type of music to entice people to the festival.

RHAPSODY / LUCA TURILLI - Great symphonic power metal. Nuff said.

MASTERPLAN - They rocked!

I had a few words with Martin Walkyier and he mentioned that he would like to pursue the Skyclad covers idea with Elvenking, pretty much as they did at Bloodstock 02, so this would be something interesting to see.

Anyway, I'll post some more when I think of them! :headbang:
Priest, Nightwish again, Mercury Rain.
Please do not invite Dragonforce.... bunch of bigheaded farts
tears said:
Priest, Nightwish again, Mercury Rain.
Please do not invite Dragonforce.... bunch of bigheaded farts

Bigheaded farts? They were one of the highlights! Id be happy for them to come back again
Get Celtic Frost to reform (shouldn't be hard as CF consists of TGW and whoever he can get along with that day!) and get them to headline.

Now that would be worth seeing! Helloween too. So many bands that played previous Bloodstocks are very close to their style so they should go down a storm.
I'd like to see Manowar, Dio or Judas Priest headlining next year (or one headlining each day and the remaining one second headlining one of the days).

I'd like to see Lordi play one of the days, because they're so DAMN good and have never played the UK. Not many people in the UK know about them but of all the people I know who have heard of them, there isn't one person who didn't like them (and that includes people who aren't even into metal as well as people who listen to nothing but metal). They had a number one last summer in Finland with their debut single and won "Best Rock Act" at the Finnish Music awards. Their music is a cross between Kiss and Alice Cooper - but heavier and with hints of classic Ozzy, WASP and Twisted Sister with just a hint of Marylin Manson.

I would also like to see

On the main stage...

Primal Fear
Lost Horizon
Gamma Ray (Although I'd rather see them play at Bloodstock 05)

On the second stage (I'd make the second stage mainly heavier stuff)...

Children of Bodom
In Flames

I'd also love to see Spinal Tap on the main stage, that would rule!
This sounds incredibly stupid and you will all think me stupid for saying it for sure, but I would most of all love to see Nightwish play again. I'm just a huge huge NW fan, and seeing them live really was the greatest experience of my life thus far. (apart from the obvious things!) But that truthfully would be my biggest band-want of 2004 or 2005. I would give anything to see them again.
Joe5now said:
This sounds incredibly stupid and you will all think me stupid for saying it for sure, but I would most of all love to see Nightwish play again. I'm just a huge huge NW fan, and seeing them live really was the greatest experience of my life thus far. (apart from the obvious things!) But that truthfully would be my biggest band-want of 2004 or 2005. I would give anything to see them again.
I don't think Nightwish should play next year; I don't think ANY band should play two years in a row. If this was Wacken and the bill had room for 60+ bands then I wouldn't mind, but as it is I think all bands should have at least a one year gap between performances.

Nightwish were very good on Saturday, it WOULD be good if they could play in 2005 or 2006.
This sounds incredibly stupid and you will all think me stupid for saying it for sure, but I would most of all love to see Nightwish play again. I'm just a huge huge NW fan, and seeing them live really was the greatest experience of my life thus far. (apart from the obvious things!) But that truthfully would be my biggest band-want of 2004 or 2005. I would give anything to see them again.

I'm totally with you there, they're without question my favourite band also and seeing them twice this weekend was incredible!

However, realisitically, Nightwish aren't suited to any slot other than the headline, and you can't have a festival headlines by the same band two years in a row!

Allow me to throw some more names into the ring:

Siebenburgen, Within Temptation (maybe a little too mellow?), Sonata Arctica and Darkwell.
2 years in a row may be a bit too much for a headlining band, but for the smaller bands that did great with a short amount of time (i.e. cruel humanity) should be considered for 04 with a longer set