2005 metal revival

The saYer

Aug 17, 2003
bay area
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I don't know if you remember back in 2002 that I predicted (based solely on a feeling I had) that 2005 would like a metal revival.

I awaited 2005 with great expectations, once january hit I felt somewhat disapointed because there was not much going on and the first album out of 05 (kreator) was not as similar to pleasure tk as it was rumored, but it was good, anyway, 05 steadily got better regarding metal, many concerts booked (I already went to 3 and there are alot more coming), and now I find out that there will be a testament mini thrashfest as a day show!! man that is my dream concert, it will be just like in the 80's, metal vests, backpatches, tight jeans, white hightop sneakers, leather jackets in the sun and white band shirts all thrashing to old school, I mean I never lived that since I was waay too young at the time to go to those bay area day shows, but yeah, hopefully that new school death/black goth, night show scene is over at least for the thrashers.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
2005 profiles as really good year at least in album releases. Still trying to get hold on one (Astral Doors), but if a couple of orders I made get through I'll have all I want so far from this year and still like 8-9 more albums in sight...and we just started May :D