2007 Fall US Tour Dates

I just deficated in my panties.

Btw Kellan, you should hit both. I might.

Damn, you're sorta in my old stomping grounds. Crazy shit. I'm originally from Lake County.
Anyway, I'll try to hit up both. I'm more familiar with SF, but Portland would be an easier drive, honestly. Until I actually GOT to Portland anyway.
That city has to be 3x worse than SF. Maybe I'm just more familiar with the bay, who knows.
I'll try to get off of work for both. That'd be awesome.
Hummnn..Peabodies or the Pearl Room..or both..... blast on no Michigan date
You know, Will... If this is an april fools joke I am going to sodomize laura while you watch and weep like a little bitch at CPF.

^is not an april fools joke.
Actually, I'll just do it during Solitude...

"Will! Help! Eric is Sodomizing me with a Peccatum album!"

"Quiet WOMAN! Rob is singing!"