2008 Presidential Candidates

Don't take it personally. You can't blame some guy on the internet for misunderstanding a situation and making a silly over-generalized claim about something he hasn't looked into.
Don't take it personally. You can't blame some guy on the internet for misunderstanding a situation and making a silly over-generalized claim about something he hasn't looked into.

I made an edit. Look at the last sentence.

I'm just passionate about the hard work my dad's done in 30 years of medical practice. Just pisses me off when people assume that the true rich don't deserve their money when it's not true on ALL cases or that only the people who are rich own businesses.
Yes I understand. Getting personal is not a good way to argue though since you give the opposition more to attack you on.
Dude, my dad's a physician. He doesn't run his own business, he doesn't have a good understanding about tax laws and he's self-employed (so he pays double the FICA tax necessary for a normal person). Though he's self-employed, he's hired out by hospitals on a 'per diem' basis. He doesn't look for loopholes because he has just a tad bit of integrity, which is more than most people in society today.

Seriously, dude, fuck you for saying that 'all rich people steal'. My dad had fucking nothing when he got out of med school. He had to get a loan from my grandfather (his dad) just to make ends meet (and he eventually paid him back). My dad saved enough money to put three kids through parochial elementary school, catholic high school AND private universities. I admire my dad for the work ethic he has. I admire him as a person, a doctor, a father and a friend. For you to say that he 'cheated' his way to the success he's had just shows how jealous you are of people with more money than you.

Even if he did own a small business, what does he have to gain by using these 'loopholes'? They do exist because of how fucking dense the tax code is (which should be revised, btw), but that doesn't mean that EVERY single business owner utilizes these loopholes. You might have a case for large corporations and I would agree with you to an extent, but I HIGHLY doubt my boss utilizes these tax loopholes. We could go into the legality of these loopholes, but I'm not going to right now.

Please do some research before making sweeping generalizations like this ever again.

First off. Go fuck yourself as well. When I say rich people I do not mean all of them. Obviously not all. But to say there are not bad apples that do is what was my point. The rich (and I'll clarify not ALL since you ALL need to have it said to you)have been taking advantage of the system in one form or another since the beginning of time . The rich and poor both do it and there are bad apples in both but not ALL. To you ALL poor people are leeches and the rich aren't. That is my reason for what I said. Obviously I do not know your dad personally nor his business (and imo he is in business for himself). But that's not to say he does not do what the rich leeches do (nor does that say he does). When it's someone close to you then your opinion on such a thing makes it a biased opinion.

The way you got mad about my opinion on rich people and the advantages they take is the same way I got mad at your mudslinging opinions on poor people throughout this thread. Perhaps if you had been born poor and not with a silver spoon in your mouth and pampered all your life you would appreciate the situation of someone in poverty which you clearly do not (and that does not mean hearing stories from your dad about his past, because it's not the same). Oh btw go fuck yourself again for saying that im jealous of rich people because you do not know me personally to say such a thing. What makes me different and better then a rich person is not money. It's that I'm compassionate and care for other people that are less fortunate and do not think of myself and how I will squeeze another buck from the poor who buy goods/services that overall keeps this country (and your dad/yourself) rich. You know what? I'm wrong. Your not different then Dave and his quest for money.
Fucking christ, what ever happened to good, honest, hard work? You don't have to own a business to be wealthy.

No you don't have to own one but you are more likely to become wealthy through your own business then you are going up a corporate ladder with countless others trying to do the same thing in the company you work for. Would Bill Gates and countless others have become wealthy have they not done their own thing? Doubt it.
I'm different from Dave in that I know what I have and I try not to flaunt it here. They key word here is 'try'. Sometimes I get caught up in the 'spoiled rich kid' mode, but most of the time I'm not like that. People have told me, to my face mind you, that I'm not the typical rich kid. The only reason I made that post is because I'm passionate about my father and how he made a decent living from nothing. You did nothing but generalize that rich people are always out to screw everyone. Yeah, I grew up wealthy, so what? Assuming that I'm 'biased' because I am close to someone is ludicrous in this case. If I had intimate knowledge of his goings-on, whether it was through filing fraudulent tax returns or by using accounting and tax loopholes to get a bigger tax refund, I would say something because I'm an honest person. Take that as you will given that it's an internet message board, but I consider myself a fairly honest person.

No you don't have to own one but you are more likely to become wealthy through your own business then you are going up a corporate ladder

That completely depends on the type of business you start
Fuck Dave and fuck "the new Dave"; Gods damn all this asshatery!

With the exception of Dave you are passionate about your father & back him up in anything. And let's say for arguments sake your dad had turned out to be a criminal (whether tax evasion, cutting corners on medical supplies and care, medicare fraud etc.). I would believe that you would be in denial that he is simply because he's your dad and you love him. In such a situation you would probably see only what you want to see. You can't say for sure what you would do in a situation till it happens. And how many of us excluding Dave would not stand up for our dads' regardless of the truth, if the truth was bad?

Anyways you said I make a generalization about all rich people. But I guess you did not read my response in that I said not ALL rich do so. So obviously I'm not generalizing that all do such a thing. But in your post about poor people you do in fact generalize that ALL poor people are lazy, keep themselves poor on purpose, leech off our tax dollars etc. And that my friend is really ludicrous.
What the fuck is the relevance of the first part of your post? Your hypothetical situation doesn't further your point(s) at all.

Also LOL at you backing down from your ridiculous generalization. AND in addition to that you call him out on a generalization he didn't even make? You, sir, are a silly silly person.
Did I really say that poor people keep themselves poor on purpose?

I think I said something along the lines that some poor people become complacent with their current situation, which isn't out of the realm of believability.
Though, some people remain poor just to leech off of the government

What the fuck is the relevance of the first part of your post? Your hypothetical situation doesn't further your point(s) at all.
The first part and it's relevance is to him saying he would be honest if his dad turned out to be what I claim some rich people are. I don't think he would be do to his love for his dad etc.

Also LOL at you backing down from your ridiculous generalization. AND in addition to that you call him out on a generalization he didn't even make? You, sir, are a silly silly person.
I didn't back down. Just revised it since no one can read between the lines to see I don't mean ALL rich people. As for his generalization well he did say they do remain poor on purpose but he did say only SOME. I didn't feel like going through countless more pages of this thread to find other quotes. That one is fine.

Did I really say that poor people keep themselves poor on purpose?

I think I said something along the lines that some poor people become complacent with their current situation, which isn't out of the realm of believability.
Yah you did say they do it on purpose though you didn't say ALL do, just SOME.
I didn't back down. Just revised it since no one can read between the lines to see I don't mean ALL rich people. As for his generalization well he did say they do remain poor on purpose but he did say only SOME. I didn't feel like going through countless more pages of this thread to find other quotes. That one is fine.