2008 Presidential Candidates

I was thinking of closing it...maybe you can just mass move the last few pages of bullshit to another thread?
I know, just taking the piss. CC was like "dude don't threaten to close threads." Then I realized kinda that it could seem like I was doing it unjustified in that case. 's'all good.
Let's get back on topic people
Why should rich people give some of their money to poor people? Because poor people need it more. I am having a similar argument with V5 right now and I don't think it is right to blame poor people for being poor. I know you aren't doing that, but you did suggest that some "might not deserve it". Keep in mind I am not advocating communism, just higher taxes for people with more money. Even with those higher taxes they will be wealthy, whereas even with low taxes a poor person will struggle to survive.

I really can't read through everything in this thread, but I agree with you here. That is somewhat what we have going on now though, only it probably should be upped a bit for the rich & lowered for the poor.

Some people would argue that poor people should just get better jobs, but it's not always that easy. Sometimes you have to be in a good situation to get a great paying job. School helps a lot, but what if you're poor, you must work 65 hours a week just to survive, & you can't qualify for any student loans?? I'm in a similar situation right now, only I have yet to apply for any loans. I don't think I will have very much time for school with my schedule, & on the fun side of things I'm working on possibly forming a band shortly.

I believe that our Country needs to put an end to illegal immigration as soon as we can wrap things up in Iraq. We need to make it easier for Americans to make a fair living by doing away with what we don't need so we can form a stronger Country from within.
Honestly, if you were brought up in a comparatively poor environment you wouldn't say that.

You don't know this for sure

Besides, paying taxes is not the same as giving money to the poor.

I agree, but who's to say how the government would allocate the income derived from taxing the rich more? Would some kind of committee be formed? Just because you tax people more doesn't mean the money is going to be used for that specific purpose. Look at social security. The government takes money from that fund all the time, which is why the government is paying out more than the people are putting in (which is why social security should be abolished anyway).

Even poor people pay taxes

Only if you make above 8,750 dollars a year (and are single).
I agree, but who's to say how the government would allocate the income derived from taxing the rich more? Would some kind of committee be formed?
Umm, experienced legislators and policy makers? Most of the bills passed in Congress are all about allocating money. Unfortunately our president vetoes domestic spending while wasting massive amounts of your precious money on some shithole in the middle east. :mad:
Just because you tax people more doesn't mean the money is going to be used for that specific purpose. Look at social security. The government takes money from that fund all the time, which is why the government is paying out more than the people are putting in (which is why social security should be abolished anyway).
This is wrong and what everyone wants to change. That's why we're complaining. Remember which party set up social security and which party regular rapes it.
Only if you make above 8,750 dollars a year (and are single).
So you have a problem with this? There is no way you could live on 8750 dollars or really even double that.
Umm, experienced legislators and policy makers? Most of the bills passed in Congress are all about allocating money. Unfortunately our president vetoes domestic spending while wasting massive amounts of your precious money on some shithole in the middle east. :mad:

Yeah, I can't help what the president does when he's in office.

This is wrong and what everyone wants to change. That's why we're complaining. Remember which party set up social security and which party regular rapes it.

I'm pretty sure both parties take from the kitty for pork barrel spending and whatnot.

So you have a problem with this? There is no way you could live on 8750 dollars or really even double that.

From Wiki: The poverty threshold is adjusted each year. In 2006, in the United States of America, the poverty threshold for a single person under 65 was US$10,488; the threshold for a family group of four, including two children, was US$20,444.

You could live off twice the 8,750, just not comfortably and that term is, of course, dependent on the individual's definition of comfortable.
You could live off twice the 8,750, just not comfortably and that term is, of course, dependent on the individual's definition of comfortable.

And, more importantly, WHERE in the country you're living.

And BTW cookiecutter, the president doesn't touch a dime. Congress has the power of the purse. All money allocated to anywhere is approved of by the Congress.
And BTW cookiecutter, the president doesn't touch a dime. Congress has the power of the purse. All money allocated to anywhere is approved of by the Congress.
I know. What I was referring to was his veto of a domestic spending bill passed by Congress and his passage of bills funding the war he started.

EDIT: Also until 06 he basically had a Congress that did what he wanted