2008 Presidential Candidates

You could live off twice the 8,750, just not comfortably and that term is, of course, dependent on the individual's definition of comfortable.
What planet are you living on? lol Do you have any idea how much rent is nowadays, groceries, gas, etc. Unless someone lives in a shithole of a apartment in the worst ghetto on earth or live with a roomate... no one can live on that pay... This is exactly why me and others say you do not know what it is like to live poor... Earlier you had said that no one should be forced to help the poor... well how about this... because your human and they are human... or have you lost your humanity because of money? ... It's no wonder when i chat with people in IM's from italy, russia, china, etc. they all think (and by your answers are correct) materialistic with no culture other then money... I try tell them that we are compassionate and do not only think of money til someone like you says what you say then makes me think they are right... anyways here is a quote from someone who is immensely wealthy and well respected who has compassion for others despite his money (was in the papers today):

Buffett: Tax Me (NY Post, page 41, Business section 10/15/07):

Warren Buffett told the Senate Finance Committee that Congress should keep the estate tax rather than repeal it and help a few RICH Americans like him. "I think we need to... take a little more out of the hides of guys like me," Buffett told the panel.
Buffett is saying that because he has significantly less money now that he gave about 80% of it to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. I saw that too and chuckled since he isn't leaving his kids shit, so it doesn't matter.

You can live on 16 grand, but it depends on where you live and how comfortable you want to be. If you're here in Cincinnati, you can live on 16K, probably less if you budget the shit out of everything.
Buffett is saying that because he has significantly less money now that he gave about 80% of it to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. I saw that too and chuckled since he isn't leaving his kids shit, so it doesn't matter.

You can live on 16 grand, but it depends on where you live and how comfortable you want to be. If you're here in Cincinnati, you can live on 16K, probably less if you budget the shit out of everything.

83% to be exact (around $30 billion).. but his networth is still around $22 billion... Buffett says such things because he means it... whether he is worth $52 billion or $1. He doesn't believe rich people should get all the breaks and advantages. And that the rich should help those that are more unfortunate due to whatever circumstances. That is the right attitude all rich should have. Buffett is one of the few i admire along with Ted Turner, Gates etc. They don't only think about themselves. Buffett also believes a persons' children should not inherit any money. Something to admire because those who do inherit money imo tend to be spoiled the rest of their lives and not compassionate like Buffett and others. Hell, even the personification of 1980's greed Michael Milken has the same attitude.

We'll I don't know what rents are like in Cincy or other parts of the country but on average rent in NY is about $1,000 per month ($12k per year) so I doubt very much that anyone can live on that wage/salary you mentioned here in NY.
Obviously...New York is one of the most expensive regions in the country, even the world, so of course you're not going to be living on such a wage. But wages are much higher on average in New York, and a lot of people tend to split apartments as well. But Ohio is much cheaper on average.
But wages are much higher on average in New York, and a lot of people tend to split apartments as well.
Yes wages are much higher in NY but so is the cost of living. So that a single person living on 25k (or whatever the # may be that economists can agree on) it would be the same as living on 16K in Ohio.The person would be struggling either way in either location living in poverty. But as far as I know McD's and similar low paying jobs pay the same nationwide for the poor. As for split apartments. The debate here is more about 1 single person living alone without anyone's help imo.
Wages are higher because the living expenses are higher, dur. That's common sense.

Also, a single person living alone without anyone's help will move in with somebody else to cut costs. It doesn't compromise the hypothetical imo.
You could live off twice the 8,750, just not comfortably and that term is, of course, dependent on the individual's definition of comfortable.

Wages are higher because the living expenses are higher, dur. That's common sense.

Also, a single person living alone without anyone's help will move in with somebody else to cut costs. It doesn't compromise the hypothetical imo.

We'll let me say it a different way. Even though wages are higher in certain parts of the country then other parts. Due to the cost of living in said different parts ,16K is equivalent to 25K (or whatever the # may be) so that you both would be poor & struggling even though one makes more then the other.

As for the hypothetical, as seen above Ozzman never mentioned anything about roomates or living with family. So one would have to assume he is saying 1 person living on that wage. And that they could do it. Which I don't think they can without help of some kind. You/me and others of course would live with someone else, be it a roomate or family to cut costs.
I'm sure people can live off of it. I think it's the fact that you don't know anyone who does. Nor do you (to my knowledge) live in a part of the country where the standard of living is low enough for that to be possible (like it is here). 250,000 dollar houses here go for 5 million in NYC.
Anyone watch the Democratic debate tonight? I watched the end and I think Hillary really did well. I'm still pissed I wasn't invited. How is the Cookiecutter/Seraphim Belial ticket going to get some momentum if they don't even allow us to speak?
We'll let me say it a different way. Even though wages are higher in certain parts of the country then other parts. Due to the cost of living in said different parts ,16K is equivalent to 25K (or whatever the # may be) so that you both would be poor & struggling even though one makes more then the other.

As for the hypothetical, as seen above Ozzman never mentioned anything about roomates or living with family. So one would have to assume he is saying 1 person living on that wage. And that they could do it. Which I don't think they can without help of some kind. You/me and others of course would live with someone else, be it a roomate or family to cut costs.

I have nothing against helping the poor people, but it shouldn't be with government dollars.
Sand dollars.

Anyone watch the Democratic debate tonight? I watched the end and I think Hillary really did well. I'm still pissed I wasn't invited. How is the Cookiecutter/Seraphim Belial ticket going to get some momentum if they don't even allow us to speak?

We'll kick Ron Paul's ass off of youtube and take his place as America's numba 1 underdog :kickass:

Also, I didn't even realize there was a debate tonight :(