2008 Presidential Candidates

I didn't back down. Just revised it since no one can read between the lines to see I don't mean ALL rich people.

This is just fucking funny to me considering tidbits of things you have said such as:

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Rich people are rich for a reason. They look for loopholes in whatever it may be. Whether taxes, laws, etc. as well as subsidies, favorable tax breaks, etc.

Notice how you don't say anything implying that you mean "some." And trust me, I know plenty about reading between the lines. It's too bad, then, that in this case, the lines are far too close together to warrant anything fitting between them.

So, now then...would you like to explain where you get off calling all rich people thieves? If you can't explain yourself out of this one, lemme give you a little hint before you attempt to (and get yourself further screwed):

THEY'RE NOT ALL THIEVES. So apologize for what you said, make the necessary reparations, and move on. The worst thing that can happen is that people accept your apology. You didn't offend me in any way, though, so the only thing you have to fear from me (and various other people here who saw that asinine post) is the future disregard towards any of your posts having to do with such a charged subject...

Pass the "good stuff" your smoking or drinking and repeat to yourself:

I didn't Inhale

I did not have sexual relations with that woman

Read my Lips, No New Taxes

Reporting for Duty :: salutes ::

Any other memorable quotes? Those are the only ones that come to mind for now.
Wow, I actually did say that. I probably wasn't thinking when I said that or I was just getting really into the argument.

So, basically, I'm all for helping out the poor people, but I shouldn't be forced to do it.
Pass the "good stuff" your smoking or drinking and repeat to yourself:

I didn't Inhale

I did not have sexual relations with that woman

Read my Lips, No New Taxes

Reporting for Duty :: salutes ::

Any other memorable quotes? Those are the only ones that come to mind for now.

So in other words you're not going to admit it are you...?
That completely depends on the type of business you start
Also depends on one's definition of what is wealth. What #? etc. Anyways I read a interesting book called The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley so it really doesn't depend on the business so much:


This is just fucking funny to me considering tidbits of things you have said such as:

Notice how you don't say anything implying that you mean "some." And trust me, I know plenty about reading between the lines. It's too bad, then, that in this case, the lines are far too close together to warrant anything fitting between them.

So, now then...would you like to explain where you get off calling all rich people thieves? If you can't explain yourself out of this one, lemme give you a little hint before you attempt to (and get yourself further screwed):

THEY'RE NOT ALL THIEVES. So apologize for what you said, make the necessary reparations, and move on. The worst thing that can happen is that people accept your apology. You didn't offend me in any way, though, so the only thing you have to fear from me (and various other people here who saw that asinine post) is the future disregard towards any of your posts having to do with such a charged subject...

Nothing to apologize about because I did revise my earlier statement by saying Not All. But there are some who are thieves and you can read about them in the papers almost every day. Medicare fraud, stock manipulations, tax evasion etc. One that comes to mind lately is Conrad Black (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conrad_Black).
Nothing to apologize about because I did revise my earlier statement by saying Not All. But there are some who are thieves and you can read about them in the papers almost every day. Medicare fraud, stock manipulations, tax evasion etc. One that comes to mind is Conrad Black (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conrad_Black).

No one is fucking debating that with you, dude. Everyone knows that there are people who make tons of money through shady methods. Do you think you're telling us something? What people have a problem with is your statement that everyone who is financially successful made their money by cheating, and your sad back pedaling afterward. Here's a hint: If you want to express a serious opinion in a forum where you are likely to be debated with, say what you actually fucking mean. Of course, I don't really buy what you're saying about "reading between the lines, blah blah". I think you just said something dumb and are now trying to save face, but whatever. The point still stands.

edit: Also sorry for being a dick but I can't help it.
I don't know how many times I have to say it that I did not mean ALL rich people. I did revise my statement and it was not to save face. Was because people misunderstood what I had said because I left one word out: ALL or Some. And don't tell me not all/some rich people do not try to buck the system when it presents itself. Had I said one or both words in the first place we wouldn't be having this argument about what I meant. Ozzman admitted he said some poor people remain poor on purpose after I pointed it out. No one argues with him about that but I admit that I don't mean All rich people when it was pointed out to me that it sounded like I mean't all and everyone gets bent out of shape. The POINT is I meant not ALL and I still stand by my opinion that SOME do become wealthy by bucking the system in the same way that some poor people buck the system via the government's social programs. There is bad in both sides as well as there is good. I merely debated this with Ozzman because he only saw the good in the rich and only the bad in the poor and not the other way around with each.
No you don't have to own one but you are more likely to become wealthy through your own business then you are going up a corporate ladder with countless others trying to do the same thing in the company you work for. Would Bill Gates and countless others have become wealthy have they not done their own thing? Doubt it.

Wow, I didn't know qualification to have the term "rich" or "wealthy" describe someone meant that they had to be at least billionaires. That point is meaningless.
Wow, I didn't know qualification to have the term "rich" or "wealthy" describe someone meant that they had to be at least billionaires. That point is meaningless.

Did I say Billionaires? No, I don't recall I did. I used Bill Gates as a example because he is a self made WEALTHY person and perhaps the most famous at that. That is why I named him. I could of named anyone other then him such as the Google guys, Yahoo guys, Warren Buffett, Sam Walton, Steve Jobs, Ted Turner etc. Yes these guys are billionaires as well but I guess that is who the media focuses on and whom you perhaps will recognize in name more as well as others. Everyone has a different definition of wealthy nowadays. Some billionaires don't consider millionaires wealthy and so forth and so forth. My definition of wealthy is different as I'm sure yours is as well. When J.P. Morgan died & was revealed what his net worth was, I believe it was Andrew Carnegie who commented something to the effect of: " And to think, he wasn't even wealthy". So a net worth of $90 + Million wasn't wealthy to Carnegie. And that was 1913 dollars. You could imagine what that must be in today's dollars (we'll perhaps not today since the dollar is in the crapper lately lol).
That makes no sense. I just noted that you make far more implications than are possible based on the context, like assuming that Ozzman would be in denial if he knew that his father cheated on taxes, and then you attack him for some claim that he made toward you saying "you don't know me." So that's an intentional fallacy with a twist of hypocrisy.
That makes no sense. I just noted that you make far more implications than are possible based on the context, like assuming that Ozzman would be in denial if he knew that his father cheated on taxes, and then you attack him for some claim that he made toward you saying "you don't know me." So that's an intentional fallacy with a twist of hypocrisy.

I didn't assume. I merely said he does not know what he would do till if and when that situation happens if it ever does because of his love for his father.As for some "claim" towards me. We'll he "assumed" I'm jealous of people with money. He doesn't know me to say that imo. Like me or him do not know you to say whatever about you. But anyways that is not the point.

My post about your infatuation was a joke reply to Rabid. Either get laid and stop taking when I joke seriously. If you weren't infatuated with me or my posts then you wouldn't take offense and replied like this. Geez, no one can take a joke anymore.
I figure one of you will appreciate this:
Barack Obama's Speech at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Iowa
I didn't assume. I merely said he does not know what he would do till if and when that situation happens if it ever does because of his love for his father.As for some "claim" towards me. We'll he "assumed" I'm jealous of people with money. He doesn't know me to say that imo. Like me or him do not know you to say whatever about you. But anyways that is not the point.

My post about your infatuation was a joke reply to Rabid. Either get laid and stop taking when I joke seriously. If you weren't infatuated with me or my posts then you wouldn't take offense and replied like this. Geez, no one can take a joke anymore.

ur dum

With the exception of Dave you are passionate about your father & back him up in anything. And let's say for arguments sake your dad had turned out to be a criminal (whether tax evasion, cutting corners on medical supplies and care, medicare fraud etc.). I would believe that you would be in denial that he is simply because he's your dad and you love him.


in your post about poor people you do in fact generalize that ALL poor people are lazy, keep themselves poor on purpose, leech off our tax dollars etc. And that my friend is really ludicrous.


In the same post.

BTW the OMG U R OBSSESEERD WIF ME U MUST B IN LUV WIT ME shit is really old. Grow up.