2008 Presidential Candidates

Get real broseph. The democrats really have to do something stupid to lose now. McCain supports the war and that is very unpopular with reasonable people. The last two Republican regimes have raped the budget to fund corporations, rich people and the military. If anyone still wants to keep the party of "fiscal responsibility" in power after that is crazy.

wow, youre a retard!
yes, and i consider myself pretty reasonable.
Does not compute

I do not agree with the Iraq war, and I do not agree with America playing world police. However, it would be stupid for us to just up and leave this late in the game. We're already there, we might as well finish the job.

I can see the appeal of this thinking, but I don't it is militarily possible to "finish the job" whatever that means. There's a civil war going on plus the Kurds vs. Turks. It's just a shitty situations all around and I doubt that even the US Military can do anything about it. Meanwhile American servicemen, not to mention Iraqui civilians die every day.
Troops are spread too thinly to do any effective job at restoring order and maintaining order there. Only way to do it is to reinstate the draft solely for the purpose of having enough troops to rebuild Iraq, which would be political suicide for ANY candidate.
I don't think there's a viable solution other than reinstating the draft. I say just pull the troops out and let the Iraqis deal with it. The money we've spent there is a sunk cost and it can't be redeemed anyway.
I don't think it was strictly about oil. I think anyone who says it was entirely about oil or wasn't about oil at all has a severe case of tunnel vision. If it was about oil, prices would have fallen by now because most of that oil would have come to the states (probably) because the US would have been overseer in the day to day operations of the wells. I think that the probability of an energy crisis down the road was part of the motivating factor behind going in though, but it wasn't the sole reason.

I would be inclined to agree with the whole 'buffer zone' theory moreso than a theory that was based on the premise that we went in strictly for oil.
I personally think it was both reasons. The oil in Iraq is going to be controlled by the U.S. when we need it, and the aforementioned buffer zone is going to keep Iran neutralized in regards to Israel. A good plan... but not worth going to war for, killing innocent people for, and losing soldiers for.
Why do you support the Iraq war, gR?

1) saddam was well on his way to murdering millions of his own people (to include the use of chemical weapons. which is a WMD)
2) he refused to comply with UN resolutions requiring inspects of his facilities looking for WMD production. the penalty for that included military action. everything else simply wasnt working. too bad most of the UN are spineless pussies who go back on their word. and many thanks to countries like the UK, australia, norway, canada, singapore, japan, korea, etc. who actually stepped up
3) 1+2= a good chance saddam atleast had an active WMD program

Troops are spread too thinly to do any effective job at restoring order and maintaining order there. Only way to do it is to reinstate the draft solely for the purpose of having enough troops to rebuild Iraq, which would be political suicide for ANY candidate.

not really. the US and our allies have turned over many areas to the iraqi security forces. there are only a couple hot areas that are left for us to take care of. so we arent exactly spread thin. sure, we dont like being constantly deployed, but the only thing thats spread thin is the funds. and we can thank the dems for that. if we had more money, we could get shit done alot faster. rebuild faster, save lives... you get the idea (well, probably not actually)

What do you think of the war in general? Obviously we were not right to go into Iraq (I've heard from somewhere recently, probably my RSS ticker, that Saddam was trying to look like he had WMDs). Do you think it was for oil? Or to make a buffer zone between Iran and Israel?

oil is a pretty lame attack on the war, and one that is completly untrue. there is ongoing work being done to split oil revenue between the different groups in iraq. the focus is getting the money back to the iraqi people.

any other questions?
Why should we care about what some foreign dictator does to his people?

Three reasons:


