2008 Presidential Candidates

just like we dealt with hitler. that was years ago too. so how can you say its ok to oust one dictator, but not another for doing the exact same thing?
Hitler declared war on America and invaded numerous countries. Comparing Hitler to Saddam is rather absurd actually. When Iraq attacked Kuwait he was stopped by the West, but why not when he attacked Iran? The US supported that evil dictator then (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._support_for_Iraq_during_the_Iran-Iraq_war)

Also, if you read some History you'd realize that the US had quite a policy going in setting up and supporting right wing dictators. Suharto in Indonesia, Pinochet in Chile, the Somoza's in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile and the Shah in Iran. Don't go telling me that the US is all about bringing justice to evil dictators.
Hitler declared war on America and invaded numerous countries. Comparing Hitler to Saddam is rather absurd actually. When Iraq attacked Kuwait he was stopped by the West, but why not when he attacked Iran? The US supported that evil dictator then ( [/quote] This was the reasoning...rhaps a comparison to Vietnam is much better.
just like we dealt with hitler. that was years ago too. so how can you say its ok to oust one dictator, but not another for doing the exact same thing?

He did NOT do the exact same thing, Hitler was on a MUCH larger scale than Saddam could ever dream of being. Hitler conquered half of Europe, Saddam attacked Kuwait. Hitler killed millions, Saddam killed thousands. While what Saddam did was evil, how was he more evil than Kim Jong Il of Castro, or anywhere near as evil as Hitler or Stalin?
It doesn't suprise me. Didn't the president just sign a 20 million dollar weapons contract to Saudi Arabia and thier right wing religious monarchy?
But why aren't we?


we are definitely involved with north korea. as for sudan, ive got no good reason why we arent there. we should be

And you do? All you do is make uninformed statement after uninformed statement clearly based on some deep seated political bias that you seem to have.

Anyone who at this point still thinks that the war in Iraq was both justified and a good idea (two very different things) is a total idiot.

uninformed? ok, everyone who has directly worked with the war in iraq, raise your hand. *raises hand*

yeah, thats what i thought. ive seen the daily reports of whats going on in iraq, ive seen the good and the bad. news outlets dont show the good out here, and if they did, the majority opinion would probably be different. it was justified for the reasons i mentioned, and its a good idea because we've done alot of good work there.

and let it be known that most of the deaths in iraq have nothing to do with an american presence. its shia vs sunni vs kurds. and theyve been fighting eachother for ages.

i'm done now. i hate these discussions. we rehash the same stuff and no one is going to change their minds. and i gotta pee

Have you read none of our posts
pretty sure i did, since i quoted alot of em. you just dont understand where i'm coming from because you dont agree with me. and thats fine. just dont call me biased and pretend you arent.
Genocide Roach is fucking stupid. I'm glad that this argument is finally allowing people to see this.