2008 Presidential Candidates

It was found by numerous third party agencies that, had the information been evaluated properly, then our conclusions would not have been reached. The US was LOOKING for a reason to invade. That's the simple fact of the fucking matter. They essentially engineered the justification for war, whether through ignorance or through explicit motivation, or a combination of both.

what about russia. they didnt want to invade, yet they still came to the same conclusion
By the way...

In January 2005, the Iraq Survey Group concluded that Iraq had ended its WMD programs in 1991 and had no WMD at the time of the invasion; although some misplaced or abandoned remnants of pre-1991 production were found, U.S. government spokespeople confirmed that these were not the weapons for which the U.S. "went to war".

From wikipedia.

Nowhere in that same article was Russia mentioned as ever supporting the war or finding intelligence that supported the war. Where do you get that Russia had intelligence that said Iraq had WMDs? Other than what you hear as an intel dude. There has to be a source for it on the internet.
actually, i'm intel. so yeah, i do see the real classified info that you civilians arent aware of.

Perhaps the fact that people like you are involved with intel explains a whole lot.

By the way, the Russian intelligence agencies never reached the conclusion that Iraq had WMDs and to my knowledge neither did any other intelligence agencies apart from the US. The most they were willing to say about it is that some resources were unaccounted for which opened up the possibility of there being WMDs. Which is exactly why most countries aside from the US weren't exactly jumping at the idea of invading Iraq, there was a complete lack of hard, tangible and convicing evidence that these WMDs actually existed. The US government deliberately engineered supposed "evidence" in order to gain support for the war that they had already decided they were going to start.

It's one thing to fall for that when it's actually happening, but I really do not understand how even after all that has happened since then you can still maintain that any of this was justified or made any sense whatsoever. Apparently hindsight isn't 20/20 for everyone.
By the way...

In January 2005, the Iraq Survey Group concluded that Iraq had ended its WMD programs in 1991 and had no WMD at the time of the invasion; although some misplaced or abandoned remnants of pre-1991 production were found, U.S. government spokespeople confirmed that these were not the weapons for which the U.S. "went to war".

From wikipedia.

Nowhere in that same article was Russia mentioned as ever supporting the war or finding intelligence that supported the war. Where do you get that Russia had intelligence that said Iraq had WMDs? Other than what you hear as an intel dude. There has to be a source for it on the internet.

i remember hearing it on the news a few years ago. i'll look up a specific source tommorow at work
Perhaps the fact that people like you are involved with intel explains a whole lot.

lol, i dont exactly make decisions on these sorts of things. nor am i really involved in that type of intel. i'm a signals geek. but i still get to read the briefs and whatnot. just to keep myself current on stuff.

but i will admit that intel people are fuckin weirdos. you almost have to be to enjoy this type of job
I think their has to be a change with our elections:

1. I think we should have 2 presidents Democratic and Republic let the people vote for which state wants to have a Democrat control that state or republican as to international affairs the 2 presidents work together..

2. Each year every state has a opinion poll how the president is doing he's job if it's unfavorable fire the bastard and have a election for a new president


actually, i'm intel. so yeah, i do see the real classified info that you civilians arent aware of.

I think anyone who brags about being privy to sensitive intel is probably full of shit.

The british should re-invade and take control of america again.

Just shut the fuck up, Rabid. And I mean that in a general way. Pretty much all of your posts suck in one way or another.
I'll take Hitlary over Osama any day.
Did you think of those yourself?! BRILLIANT!!!

I think their has to be a change with our elections:

1. I think we should have 2 presidents Democratic and Republic let the people vote for which state wants to have a Democrat control that state or republican as to international affairs the 2 presidents work together..

2. Each year every state has a opinion poll how the president is doing he's job if it's unfavorable fire the bastard and have a election for a new president

Just shut the fuck up, Rabid. And I mean that in a general way. Pretty much all of your posts suck in one way or another.

EDIT: Also, thanks to Nec, CAIRATH and others for continuing to argue for reason while I was at the movies.
Just shut the fuck up, Rabid. And I mean that in a general way. Pretty much all of your posts suck in one way or another.

And you're an elitist cunt. Theres an ignore function if you wish to ignore my posts. Go ahead and use it, instead of sitting at your computer with your hand down your pants talking smack about someone in another country.