2008 Presidential Candidates

Also, please don't use th whole 'experience' bullshit, many congresspeople and senators have 'experience', and most of them haven't don anything remotely worthwhile - and some of them are downright nasty.

Example: Cheney; a whole boat-load of experience, and not one redeeming quality.
Obama has a lot of foreign policy related committee experience so I don't think the experience argument holds any water either.

Did I imply that? At all? Anywhere? Ever?
It doesn't hold any water, but it still pisses me off how the mainstream media sources (fox, msnbc, etc) had, for a while, continued to rant about his "lack of experience" (i.e. his youngness), which in turn began to portray his actual experience in an almost juvenile light. When most people started to figure out how 'nonsensical this argument was, they moved to a different topic: how black and muslim he is.

Just because you are older than your competition, does not mean you are better. Just because you have been a part of the senate and house for a longer period of time does not mean you are more qualified than anyone else who is running for president (experience does go to a degree when talking about how the process works (due to the current systems regulations being highly inefficient) - but that has almost no correlation to what you actually do to distinguish yourself from your peers)
One problem I have with Hillary is that she cries too much. Now I see that it's a simple human emotion, but if you're to rule over supposedly the most powerful nation the world, you have to be strong.

I mean god forbid another attack comes, what the hell is Hillary going to do, run and hide and cry?

Carry on,guys.
One problem I have with Hillary is that she cries too much. Now I see that it's a simple human emotion, but if you're to rule over supposedly the most powerful nation the world, you have to be strong.

I mean god forbid another attack comes, what the hell is Hillary going to do, run and hide and cry?

Carry on,guys.

She'll declare war on a country when she is PMSing. Just watch.

One problem I have with Hillary is that she cries too much. Now I see that it's a simple human emotion, but if you're to rule over supposedly the most powerful nation the world, you have to be strong.

I mean god forbid another attack comes, what the hell is Hillary going to do, run and hide and cry?

Carry on,guys.
This woman can't win. She acts tough and she is decried as cold and calculating. She has a few blips of emotion and people start complaining that she has to be tough. This is similar to the double-bind women are in, where if they act too feminine they are not allowed to achieve what men can, and if they act too masculine people complain.
If people would allow Hillary to be a normal human being like the male candidates, she wouldn't have to be so fucking calculating regarding her countenance and wouldn't have to contrive displays of hardness and emotion. Frankly I consider her general demeanor a complete non sequitor as far as her as a candidate goes because as far as I can know, anything can be a mere calculation that she is forced into displaying in order to showcase whatever side of her is being accused of lacking at a particular moment. I have to give her the benefit of the doubt in this perspective.
It's still better then the way bush acts.

He looks like he doesn't know where he is and just stare at the nearest shiny object. And he talks about the war while he's fucking smiling.
One problem I have with Hillary is that she cries too much. Now I see that it's a simple human emotion, but if you're to rule over supposedly the most powerful nation the world, you have to be strong.

I mean god forbid another attack comes, what the hell is Hillary going to do, run and hide and cry?

Carry on,guys.

Wow this is a retarded post.