2008 Presidential Candidates

I can't stand Huckabee because he boils down to an intolerant, ignorant redneck. He actually thinks that humans existed at the same time as humans... take that science and all your so-called "evidence" and "fact." We've got crazy and that trumps all fact. Kinda like Bush and the WMD's.
Oh my God, did anyone watch Romney's concession speech?? I'm just catching part of it on the rerun of The Daily Show. Dear God, thank you McCain for just wiping out the chance for him winning. I mean, I don't like McCain, but Romney and Huckabee are despicable shells of human beings.
Are you people utterly fucking stupid? The line item veto may be designed to cut out pork, but it in effect gives the president the power to write out any part of any bill put on his desk that he doesn't like and doesn't need congressional approval to make it into law. The president should not have this power. In fact, it's unconstitutional. That's why it was put down during the Clinton presidency.

I'm sorry, but anyone who supports the line item veto doesn't know what they're talking about.
Yes. That's one of my favorite things about him. He want's what they call a "Fair tax", where people are not taxed on their income, but rather on their spending. One thing I love is that people can't defraud the government, and the rest of us, by being paid under the table. The rich get taxed on their big ticket items. The poor get breaks, as you can have things like food and diapers, etc, tax free. Even drug dealers will be paying taxes on their income.
I don't foresee this working. All the successful countries in the world have high income taxes.

If you're talking about the McCain speech, it's an appeal to a group of conservatives called the CPAC. It's him appealing to them to unite the Republican party. I am surprised by how much conservatives dislike McCain. He is a conservative, but he just doesn't robotically conform to some pre-established set of rules for conservatives.

I hope he ends up with Huckabee as a running mate.

I hope those silly Democrats don't win the whitehouse. We will all regret it.
What about Democrats do you not like? Willing to use the government to help the needy? Not prolonging a costly and useless war? Supporting rights of minority groups?

I am really shocked to see most of you are for the Republican party. A party that is generally motivated by religious beliefs and has a tendency to have a higher income plus often are for tax deductions for the wealthy and not for the people who need it. In the issue of social security most of the democratic party is for raising the current max of $100,000 or having no limit at all. Currently, social security taxes are taken out of you first $100,000 that you make in a calender year, anything after that no ss taxes are taken out. The republican party wants to invest the money and have it be a pure-profit not a tax. But, thats like putting you life-savings into the stockmarket, which means you can loose everything.

But, I can see how most of you have an agreement with the republican party in regards to gun control and immigration. BUT, how many of you here knocked up a girl and she had an abortion, now most Republicans are against abortion. What if the right to choose the outcome of an unplanned pregnancy was taken away?
I wouldn't say most here are Republican, it's just that amongst the people who are interested in politics here, it is split fairly evenly. You sound like a really reasonable guy so stick around.

Are you people utterly fucking stupid? The line item veto may be designed to cut out pork, but it in effect gives the president the power to write out any part of any bill put on his desk that he doesn't like and doesn't need congressional approval to make it into law. The president should not have this power. In fact, it's unconstitutional. That's why it was put down during the Clinton presidency.

I'm sorry, but anyone who supports the line item veto doesn't know what they're talking about.
I was unsure about this but now I see why it is bad.
Exactly...there are tons of good ideas in theory that would never function properly in practice, like, you know, democracy.
TBH I think the best idea for government is, you know, one that's flexible. Different types of governance work better in different circumstances, so it only makes sense.