I am really shocked to see most of you are for the Republican party. A party that is generally motivated by religious beliefs and has a tendency to have a higher income plus often are for tax deductions for the wealthy and not for the people who need it. In the issue of social security most of the democratic party is for raising the current max of $100,000 or having no limit at all. Currently, social security taxes are taken out of you first $100,000 that you make in a calender year, anything after that no ss taxes are taken out. The republican party wants to invest the money and have it be a pure-profit not a tax. But, thats like putting you life-savings into the stockmarket, which means you can loose everything.
But, I can see how most of you have an agreement with the republican party in regards to gun control and immigration. BUT, how many of you here knocked up a girl and she had an abortion, now most Republicans are against abortion. What if the right to choose the outcome of an unplanned pregnancy was taken away?