2008 Presidential Candidates

Obama is getting some HARDCORE fucking momentum lately! This rules. Hillary meanwhile is getting nervous, being panicky about Obama's current rise to power (or whatever you care to call his sudden bout of popularity and voter/delegate bolstering) it seems...looks like it'll probably end up being McCain vs. Obama.
Oh sorry. I figured out you were female after you talked about breastfeeding class :p

No offense taken. Its very common to assume a fan of metal is male. Because of course that is the majority of the listeners, its just common gender roles.

Breastfeeding is pretty fucking metal.

Wow, never expected that one. But yes, all us hardcore moms do it. Well, I'm not a mom just yet only a couple more months to go.
You will, of course, be rigorously judged based on your taste in music. Then again you can probably escape that they way half of the forum does by never talking about music on a music message board.
Obama is getting some HARDCORE fucking momentum lately! This rules. Hillary meanwhile is getting nervous, being panicky about Obama's current rise to power (or whatever you care to call his sudden bout of popularity and voter/delegate bolstering) it seems...looks like it'll probably end up being McCain vs. Obama.
My parents don't like Obama because they said he wouldn't put his hand on the Bible when taking oath nor will he salute the flag, is this true? I think they probably took some things out of proportion on the 2nd one, but religion shouldnt be involved in government anyways, they just want a Christian leader who will have less of a Separation of Church and State because they're biased Fundamentalists.
Never heard anything about either of those. To be honest, the oath Bible thing is bullshit and should not be required though I guess it's policy and grin-and-bear-it is the best course of action for atheists/etc even though he is Christian (publicly anyway, his father I believe was super atheist). Not saluting the flag is dumb but whatever, everyone fucks up.
What about participating in prayers that are pretty much "mandatory" if you're playing sports? Unfortunately that's the way it was in my high school, though it was public,m the coach would call upon some random playr to say a prayer and of cours eit'd always end in "In Jesus's Name", though I was a believer through most of my high school years until my second semester of my junior year, I just went along with it then, atheism was unheard of at my high school. Now, I'd most likely explain myself being an atheist and not really care what the results of my actions would bring.
It is unconstitutional for the government to prefer one religion over any other religion or irreligion. Mandatory prayer, swearing in on the Bible etc. is all unconstitutional. These things will be changed in the coming years as more people realize that religion in the public sphere will only hinder progress.
You will, of course, be rigorously judged based on your taste in music. Then again you can probably escape that they way half of the forum does by never talking about music on a music message board.
Well, I have breasts and on a male-dominated forum I doubt I will have to worry about too much. Plus, if I was some Fall Out Boy poser kid I doubt that I would very much to speak about in this forum anyway.

It is unconstitutional for the government to prefer one religion over any other religion or irreligion. Mandatory prayer, swearing in on the Bible etc. is all unconstitutional. These things will be changed in the coming years as more people realize that religion in the public sphere will only hinder progress.
This is true. I attended a Catholic high school and they did have prayer every morning and mass at least once a month. You were required to attended unless your religion forbid attending a Christian mass, but you had to have proof. But, you were not required to participate, such as accepting the Eucharist, standing when asked, reciting psalms, etc. Then again this is a private non-government funded school and they can do such things. Public schools on the other hand cannot do such a thing.
It is unconstitutional for the government to prefer one religion over any other religion or irreligion. Mandatory prayer, swearing in on the Bible etc. is all unconstitutional. These things will be changed in the coming years as more people realize that religion in the public sphere will only hinder progress.

I think which book a politician chooses to swear on is ok with me, so long as he or she isn't forced to swear on the Bible against his or her wishes. However, to be denied to take on oath on the Bible, when you desire to have sworn by that book, can be a form of religious discrimination.

Just a little devil's advocate to spice things up. My actual stance on this issue is neutral.

Obama won the Maine caucuses, btw.