2008 Presidential Candidates


Yeah. CNN.com has their totals listed as 'Total Delegates' but every single site I read regarding primaries has different delegate counts. It pisses me off.
Obama has the overall lead, and a considerable lead in actual state delegates won through caucuses and primaries. Stephen Colbert interviewed one of the superdelegates (Eleanor Holmes Norton of Washington DC), and she claimed that the superdelegates have decided that they will vote whichever way the states vote, which I'm very glad to hear.
Every superdelegate has one vote. The only difference is that they don't have to be selected, they vote no matter what, and can technically vote for whomever they want.
Some states only allow people registered with parties to vote in their designated party primaries, i.e. independents can't vote.
Also, I would vote for Obama in the primaries, but then I have to register as a Democrat and get rid of my spine :p

You can always register as an independent, Mike.

That depends on the state, actually. I don't know how it is in Ohio, but in Pennsylvania you must be registered to that part if you wish to vote in their primaries. It's simple to switch parties, though. You juts have to do it 30 days in advance.
You can always register as an independent, Mike.

If you haven't declared a party affiliation, then whoever you vote for in the primary determines your party affiliation. I have no clue if independents can vote in the primaries. Knowing how fucked up this state is, probably not.

Yes, actually it does in Ohio. In Ohio, political party affiliation is determined by which party's primary you vote in, and by nothing else. If you vote in the Republican Party primary, it doesn't matter if you voted Democratic your entire life. For the next two years, you will be a registered Republican.