Proceed to Ultraslamming
Ozzman, I stopped reading that article after the Uncle Rodriguez comment. It was disturbingly right wing. I hope you reconsidering agreeing with that.
Ozzman, I stopped reading that article after the Uncle Rodriguez comment. It was disturbingly right wing. I hope you reconsidering agreeing with that.
These are the tax brackets in Australia for 2007-2008:
$1 $6,000
$6,001 $30,000
15c for each $1 over $6,000
$30,001 $75,000
$3,600 plus 30c for each $1 over $30,000
$75,001 $150,000
$17,100 plus 40c for each $1 over $75,000
$150,001 and over
$47,100 plus 45c for each $1 over $150,000
This is all in Australian dollars which is worth around 90% of the American dollar. So, to give you some rough examples, if I earn A$50,000 per year, I would pay around $10,000 in tax. If I earn A$100,000 per year, I would pay $27,000 tax. If I earn A$500,000, I would pay $205,000 in tax. I don't think any of those amounts are unreasonable. I don't think that tax rates are a disincentive. We have some other taxes as well including a 10% tax on all goods and services except basic foods and some essential services.
We have a better education system, a far more comprehensive public health system, lower poverty, less than 5% unemployment etc etc.
This leads me to two things. Firstly, you need to use your money better. Too much money spent on policing the world, which you've done a pretty piss poor job of. For example, $84 BILLION in assistance to Israel since 1950. That's over $14,000 per Israeli. If you factor in interest, it amounts to a burden of over $130 billion on the US taxpayers. And in turn, Israel uses the money to do all sorts of stupid shit which in turn destabilises the whole area and is indirectly responsible for problems such as Afghanistan, Iraq etc.
Secondly, the US has a problem with the real top eschelon money earners. Like most Western countries, but perhaps to an even greater extent, it actually becomes easier to evade tax the more you earn. The top 1% of the population holds over $38 of the total wealth. (These are 2001 figures so I'm pretty sure they would be even worse now). Redistribute a quarter of this money and you go a long way to improving the welfare system.
This comment is just fucking stupid. You're contradicting yourself. You can't have people speaking 30 different languages in one country with no common language between all of them. Nothing will get done if that's the case. If you're speaking your first language with family and friends, fine, but if you're voicing issues in the government or you want a fucking cheeseburger from McDonald's, speak some fucking English (even if it's strictly on the conversational level).
I guess the only opinion of yours I'll value is anything related to investments (and we still disagree on that).
I have very mixed feelings about the poor. On one hand, the government should fuck itself for taxing me or anyone else more based on how much we make. On the other, like V5 said, many people are born poor and have no choice. In a perfect capitalistic country, the people who had no choice should be helped, and the leaches should be cast into the firey pits of the Balrog's lair.
we'll i believe in a flat tax for all regardless of income level with no tax bracket. Either that or give the poor a very low bracket.
We actually agree on something!
Poor people should have a negative income tax. That would help things out and end the need for social welfare programs.
Isn't a "negative tax" the exact same thing as welfare?We actually agree on something!
Poor people should have a negative income tax. That would help things out and end the need for social welfare programs.
Isn't a "negative tax" the exact same thing as welfare?
the negative income tax should immediately replace all other welfare and assistance programs on the way to a completely laissez-faire society where all welfare is privately administered.
I'd rather help a leech than not help someone in need.
Why? Do you feel guilty or something?