2012 North American tour thread *SPOILERS INSIDE!*

Why i dont understand is why in fucks name they keep playing the same songs from the new albums. When was the last time we heard minus, drifter, superhero, vacuum, crawl through knives?...And they cant throw around that stupid excuse that those songs are hard to replicate live, since all the new albums are meant for a live setting or so they said. Really how many times do we have to hear cloud fucking connected or take this life?
Superhero hasn't been played since STYE tour. Vacuum got played a lot in 2006. Crawl Through Knives got played in 2008 and 2010. Drifter during 2009 tours. Minus, no clue. Don't even think it has been played?

So actually most of the songs has been played.
If you've seen how the crowd reacts to Cloud Connected, Come Clarity & Take This Life, you would understand why they play them all each concert.
Superhero hasn't been played since STYE tour. Vacuum got played a lot in 2006. Crawl Through Knives got played in 2008 and 2010. Drifter during 2009 tours. Minus, no clue. Don't even think it has been played?

So actually most of the songs has been played.
If you've seen how the crowd reacts to Cloud Connected, Come Clarity & Take This Life, you would understand why they play them all each concert.

Cloud Connected and Take This Life will always be staples. They are two of the bands biggest hits. It's shit like The Quiet Place, a good bit of ASOP and refusal to change overall songs around (they seem to show greatest versatility in the clayman album though, i'll give them that. There's few songs that HAVENT been played from that album.)

Hearing the hive live is awesome, but its going to be a bit numb after the third time.
I get it, they have to play "the hits"...but they dont have to play ALL the hits. Im not against them playing more new songs, but at least choose more rare songs once in a while.
IMO it all comes down to laziness, i mean, its probably a lot easier for them to practice and/or learn 25 songs than 40...specially if those songs are the ones they could play blindfolded while being raped by a deranged koala.
I'm geniunely suprised that Only for the Weak and Pinball Map aren't on the setlist anymore. Those are the hits! All for Me (while I like the song) isn't on the same level as OftW.

How about Vanishing Light? They went crazy about it a couple of years ago, and now it has vanished completely :(

They need some variety- some slower acoustic works to change up the tempo (most of the SOAPF songs are mid-tempo). Liberation to get people's hands clapping, Come Clarity for some sing along.

I'm beginning to think they have a terrible tour manager or something, or maybe they are out of touch with fan opinion. Who the fuck is telling them that Delight and Angers is such a masterpiece??? :bah:
well out of all the ASOP hit songs, I'd say that D&A is the best one, I'd love to see them change their slower songs a bit, add Satellites and Astronauts and Evil in A Closet instead of Come Clarity and Alias, get Gyroscope in.

If they weren't lazy they could do a perfectly 20 song set, with almost 2 songs from all albums , 1 from ASOP and and 5 from SOAPF, I read somewhere in this topic I think someone wanting A New Dawn, you may eventually get it @ the festivals which i doubt, they needed 3 years to play Dead End live so don't get your hopes up.
well out of all the ASOP hit songs, I'd say that D&A is the best one,

That says it all about ASOP :D

Also, they played S&A on their last headlining tour in the UK... it was amazing. Anders was probably disappointed with the "crowd movement" though. Oddly the crowd was even more static for The Chosen Pessimist, possibly the worst opener in history.
The beard is making its way into Ander's throat...soon it will become a part of him.
Beard growls FTW.
cant believe they are still playing songs from that ASOP hogwash. Same for slit mah wrist/take this life should be replaced by crawl through knives which is much better imo.
cant believe they are still playing songs from that ASOP hogwash. Same for slit mah wrist/take this life should be replaced by crawl through knives which is much better imo.

I agree :D I don't mind TTL but CTK is definitely the better song.
I like Leeches a lot, it's one of my favourites off Come Clarity.

The first time I heard Anders sing the chorus I was like "wow...he's finally learned how to use protools :D"

Anders mentioned that he's sick so it's not having the greatest effect on their performance. I sure hope he feels better soon!

That was my review. Not just the worst in flames show I've been to, but the worst show I've been to period. Holy Christ it was awful. I didn't even show up for Trivium since I went the night before and didn't want to spend all night at a show again. I almost left halfway through this though. It was seriously just about unlistenable. I mean, the set was shit anyways and I probably would not see them again unless it changed a lot, but this was the last straw for me. Total waste of time except for a cheesesteak afterwards.
Dear God :D awful. And to think, ten years ago when they toured the US...

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