2012 tours

How the fuck they create a loud ass yet pitch perfect wall of sound from a guitar and drum alone.

Funny of the eve. Ali yelling after Dagon sans makeup on the street as he and incubus were going to get some food and Dagon turning around and doing some evil horns stance to salute us.
oh man ... flamboyantly gay drummer alert ...


these dudes? opened for Kayo Dot ... this freaking venue (if you could call it that) is called Death By Audio ... I think this is the womb of all things hipster metal in the universe.

edit: oh wait ... Toby Driver plays bass in this band as well.
well ... missed both the Ulcerate show last weekend and the Messugah/Decapitated one last night ...

Ulcerate did get a NY welcome though :(

We had our van broken into in New York last night at our accom. We've lost all our guitar gear (preamps, effects units), some drum equipment, stage banner and all of Svart Crown's merch was also ripped off. We're going to keep going but this is a fucking terrible start. We had phenomenal shows in Philadelphia and NYC last night so this is an absolute kick in the fucking teeth.