2016 Presidential Election

We already document the shit out of the ones that come in legally, especially refugees.

We should also only let them in if they can financially support themselves and NOT grant them access to federal or state funds or health services unless they pay.

Trump needs a sense of humor though, insulting SNL because they made fun of him, please. That's their job, they make fun of every presidential candidate every election, and they made fun of Hillary also. At least he could come up with a way to make fun of them back, his best response was an insult.
He was grim as fuck during the 2nd debate, he needs to be more funny and positive like in his rallies
We should also only let them in if they can financially support themselves and NOT grant them access to federal or state funds or health services unless they pay.


This is ultimately the root of the illegal immigration issue in nearly every case in the westernized world. The social safety hammock is a huge draw. AZ started cracking down on this and estimates suggest they have seen a 40% reduction in illegals.
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Gonna be honest myself, I do agree with him about building a fucking wall and getting rid of Obamacare. I mean let immigrants in, sure, but force them to do it the right way and document the shit out of them. We need fingerprints and photos and names at the very least. Also I'm a bottle of wine deep so yeah.

Come on you're smarter than this. The wall would be a massive waste of money and doesn't even address the primary means of people staying in the country illegally (overstaying visas).
Gotta feel sorry for Pence. He's trying to put out fires while Trump is spraying lighter fluid on them. Trump makes him look like an ass on the daily.

Pence: "We will absolutely accept the results of this election"

Trump, a few hours later: "The elction is rigged!"

If Trump were to win the presidency, it would really be the most dysfunctional situation ever. He doesn't have support from his own VP on half the time and half of his own party hates him.
Gotta feel sorry for Pence. He's trying to put out fires while Trump is spraying lighter fluid on them. Trump makes him look like an ass on the daily.

Pence: "We will absolutely accept the results of this election"

Trump, a few hours later: "The elction is rigged!"

If Trump were to win the presidency, it would really be the most dysfunctional situation ever. He doesn't have support from his own VP on half the time and half of his own party hates him.

Would you rather Pence be going along with Trump?

I urge people to watch the whole video. This is only one part of a few part series, but this is pretty damning so far. Apparently a significant amount of the violent incidents at Trump rallies was due to active DNC/HRC interference. And after reading some of the comments on youtube, there seems to be evidence of google and youtube attempting to suppress comments and preventing this video from coming up in trending video feeds for people (it has had a million more views since I went to bed last night, so this is probably noteworthy).

I almost have a hard time believing that these somewhat high-ranking DNC people foolishly revealed and bragged about these exploits, but it seems to be clear as day. They take advantage of the homeless and mentally unstable people which is just straight up immoral. Foval has already been fired after this video was revealed, but given what he said in the video the corruption is bound to be far deeper than just him. Trump's ravings about a rigged election sound a bit less crazy now (but seriously who didnt at least suspect this kind of behavior by the DNC?)

edit: I just myself got one of these 'unknown errors' when trying to respond to a youtube vid. It was for a TYT video and me mentioning the O'Keefe videos and how it implicates the DNC. I changed my initial post to a pro-Hillary stance as a test of this crackpot theory and it immediately went through. Fucking scary tbh.
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