21 and Over


Project Genocide
Apr 2, 2005
The Napa Valley
i fucking hate it.... i'm fucking 20 but they wont let me into the damn joint to see a band, even if i drive the 2 hours to get there because im not a year older... happened last night in SF to see Hammerfall n Edguy. So gay!!! This is the third time its happened, and each time the venue website has this 21 n over thing hidden from view because i look before i go to the show.

this just really pisses me off, its so dumb. happened when i went to see Impaled in Oakland a few months back and when i went to see Slayer a half a year ago. so goddamn gay
Frankly the whole age affair drive me nuts worldwide, so legally:


16: drive
18: vote
21: drink alcohol.


16: Smoke, have sex, play the lotto, get married
17: Drive
18: Vote, drink booze, have gay sex, watch R-Rated movies

Costa Rica

18: all the above :lol:


Just raised the legally age for marriage from 15 o_O to 18


18: Adult age, curiously in both countries being raised with wine is a tradition. I suppose close to be raised with beer in Germany. I wonder the drink laws on those countries?
Back to topic. Here the most popular venue for metal concerts has two separated entrances, one for underage (balcony) and adults (downstairs).

Supposedly once the concert starts security watches that kids are not going down, and I suppose that if you approach the drinking station somenone will ask for your ID card.
the beard makes you look over 21 to me..but then again I'm an old lady who wears glasses :tickled:

In L.A. there are a lot of all ages shows, personally I hate going to because I hate paying $8 bucks for a drink that's served in a dixie cup!

You'll be there soon enough!
Wyvern said:
18: Adult age, curiously in both countries being raised with wine is a tradition. I suppose close to be raised with beer in Germany. I wonder the drink laws on those countries?
Over here you have to be 16 to drink alcohol in a public place. And as far as I know there is no age limit to attend a concert.
Thorngren said:
i fucking hate it.... i'm fucking 20 but they wont let me into the damn joint to see a band, even if i drive the 2 hours to get there because im not a year older... happened last night in SF to see Hammerfall n Edguy. So gay!!! This is the third time its happened, and each time the venue website has this 21 n over thing hidden from view because i look before i go to the show.

Which venues? Just out of curiosity. The Warfield used to do all ages shows and they served alcohol. The Stone and Nady's other bar in Oakland were the same way. In fact I can't think of a joint that didn't have all ages shows -- at least for national acts. The locals were a different story. Of course that's been 10-15 years ago.

You're right, though, that does suck to make that drive and find that out after the fact. It's tied to alcohol. I wonder if the venue owners want to lessen the risk of serving someone underage and getting their license yanked. It's funny to me -- you're old enough to join the military and vote but not old enough to have a beer.
The clubs are just doing it to save their own asses. They don't want the legal risk involved in selling alcohol and don't want the legal risk of accidently selling minors alcohol and getting their liquor license pulled. Yeah, some clubs do armbands and check IDs at the bar, but it's a pain in the ass and under 21 year olds are good at "borrowing" armbands and the club still gets in trouble even if they try not to sell to under 21 year olds.

So, yeah, it sucks, but the clubs are kind of in a legal damned if they do, damned if they don't situation.
Wyvern said:

16: drive
18: vote be enlisted to fight wars
21: drink alcohol.

What of other countries age limits for entering the military?

I think 16 is too young and irresponsible to drive (last week 4 teens died in 3 differant accidents, all involving speeding, no seatbelts and alcohol)

I also think that if you can fight and die for your country you should be able to have a drink!
Electronicoil said:
. Yeah, some clubs do armbands and check IDs at the bar, but it's a pain in the ass and under 21 year olds are good at "borrowing" armbands and the club still gets in trouble even if they try not to sell to under 21 year olds.

They put those damn wristbands on so tight in L.A. your fingers turn purple from throwing horns all night! :tickled:
No age limit for concerts in Belgium either...And if you don't look 12 years old you can have some beer too ... Normally there is a 16 year limit for drinking but that law is stretched all the time... It is illegal and controlled though to sell cigarettes to kids under 16...
kittybeast said:
What of other countries age limits for entering the military?

In the Netherlands you can enter the military when you are 18 I believe. And fortunately we don't have a draft anymore. Although some dimwit in the Dutch parliament is mumbling now and then about re-installing it.

carnut said:
No age limit for concerts in Belgium either...And if you don't look 12 years old you can have some beer too ... Normally there is a 16 year limit for drinking but that law is stretched all the time... It is illegal and controlled though to sell cigarettes to kids under 16...

You just wait carnut. Under rule of the European dictatorship we're going to get a police state soon enough. We better enjoy our limited freedom while we still can. :(
I remember a friend from the Basque country (Spain) who said to me that the legal age to drink was directly proportional to your height. If you're tall enough to reach the glass from the bar, you can drink :lol:
kittybeast said:
I think 16 is too young and irresponsible to drive (last week 4 teens died in 3 differant accidents, all involving speeding, no seatbelts and alcohol)QUOTE]
you cant stereotype ages......

just because there are a lot of dumbfucks who drink and drive, speed, and dont wear seatbelts, doesnt mean all of us do that shit.....
Wyvern said:
Frankly the whole age affair drive me nuts worldwide, so legally:


16: drive
18: vote
21: drink alcohol.


16: Smoke, have sex, play the lotto, get married
17: Drive <<<<
18: Vote, drink booze, have gay sex, watch R-Rated movies

Costa Rica

18: all the above :lol:


Just raised the legally age for marriage from 15 o_O to 18


18: Adult age, curiously in both countries being raised with wine is a tradition. I suppose close to be raised with beer in Germany. I wonder the drink laws on those countries?
Back to topic. Here the most popular venue for metal concerts has two separated entrances, one for underage (balcony) and adults (downstairs).

Supposedly once the concert starts security watches that kids are not going down, and I suppose that if you approach the drinking station somenone will ask for your ID card.

at the moment the UK part is correct, but the driving age is going up to 18 next year! Which is well funny because i got a 2 mates, 1 who turns 17 in November and one in March, the one in November can learn to drive when he is 17, the one in March has to wait till his 18. I dont care personally, a) im 18. b) ive got my licence :Smug:

I understand is some states of America the drinking age is 18. Michigan is an example of this!

Unless the law has changed, the drinking age for France is 14. Germany best of my knowledge is 18. Portugal doesnt have a drinking age nor does Bulgaria!

N as im on the useless imformation warpath, you have to be 21 to drive a bus or any other public transport in the UK!

16: Smoke, have sex, play the lotto, get married
17: Drive
18: Vote, drink booze, have gay sex, watch R-Rated movies

the fuck?!!!? you can have sex at 16 but not gay sex until 18? wheres the sense in that? how can you outlaw gay sex fr 2 years? i'd think it'd be illeagal or not at all
I think Intoxication as in Fucking Hammerd should be illegal ... and Marijuana should be legalised .... the laws are retarded and I also belive that the 21 year old age limit for drinking is a good thing ... there hasnt been a draft in this country for 30+ years so once they reenstate the draft they can bring the drinking age down ... I do belive the Dying for country/Drinking thing is a tired excuse ... kids shouldnt be allowed to drink..... BUT I also think 21+ shows are complete bullshit!!!! and the venue owners should pull their heads out of their asses ..... *Disclaimer* Opinions expressed here are mine and mine only and are not meant to start a fight its just how I feel :D