21 and Over

Turbo said:
I understand is some states of America the drinking age is 18. Michigan is an example of this!

I don't think so although I can't really find anything to back it up. The federal government "encouraged" states to raise the age to 21 back in the early 80s by withholding federal money if they didn't. That's their main tool for stomping on states' rights.

It was 18 in Colorado for 3.2% beer and 21 for everything else. There were a ton of 3-2 bars that catered to the 18-20 crowd. Most of the time they had some pretty decent cover bands. When I moved to Phoenix in '85 I got grandfathered in on their change from 19 for everything alcoholic.

What about blue laws (that's what they call them here anyway)? All liquor stores are closed on Sunday in Colorado. I think you can still get 3.2% beer at grocery stores though. As far as I know New Mexico and Arizona are the same way.
#1_Droogie said:
kittybeast said:
I think 16 is too young and irresponsible to drive (last week 4 teens died in 3 differant accidents, all involving speeding, no seatbelts and alcohol)QUOTE]
you cant stereotype ages......

just because there are a lot of dumbfucks who drink and drive, speed, and dont wear seatbelts, doesnt mean all of us do that shit.....

well in CA they raised the speed limit from 55 to 65... which basically means we do 75. Must've been a ploy by the oil companies...

Droogie, not saying all but I am generalizing. I'm sure there are responsible teenagers.. I just don't meet many.

@ JonnyD...well I was 17 when I joined the Army....got put on alert to go to Grenada....couldn't have a damn beer...to me it's logical.
kittybeast said:
@ JonnyD...well I was 17 when I joined the Army....got put on alert to go to Grenada....couldn't have a damn beer...to me it's logical.

It's logical. You want to be sober when firing an assault rifle, isn't it? :dopey:

P.S. Hmm 17 in 1982, that makes for 2005...close to my age :p
kittybeast said:
Droogie, not saying all but I am generalizing. I'm sure there are responsible teenagers.. I just don't meet many.
ahhh I understand, now that I think about it, MOST of my friends are retarded about driving......quick example, my friends got burnt and picked me up, we were driving down a road, the driver looked behind him at something, and ran up the fucking curb, and got a flat. (but he's just retarded anyways) I dont know....I suppose they could make a law like they have discounts on insurance....if you have good grades you get a license. lol hell, that'd work for me :cool:
kittybeast said:
@ JonnyD...well I was 17 when I joined the Army....got put on alert to go to Grenada....couldn't have a damn beer...to me it's logical.

You Joined under your own free will right? and isnt being sent to foriegn countrys all part of the job? it really has nothing to do with consuming alcohol ..... We will prolly never see eye to eye on this subject hahaha ... I can remember being an 18 year old Alcoholic saying the same thing about Drinking and serving country .... I dont know hahaha I think 21 age limit is Just and prolly saves alot of lives.... oh well I could be wrong to... Maybe the drinking age should be abolished and then I wouldnt have to hear about it everytime I send away some college kid trying to buy alcohol at the store and they give me the "I can die for my country but cant drink speach" .... would make my life easier :lol:
JonnyD said:
You Joined under your own free will right? and isnt being sent to foriegn countrys all part of the job? it really has nothing to do with consuming alcohol ..... We will prolly never see eye to eye on this subject hahaha ... I can remember being an 18 year old Alcoholic saying the same thing about Drinking and serving country .... I dont know hahaha I think 21 age limit is Just and prolly saves alot of lives.... oh well I could be wrong to... Maybe the drinking age should be abolished and then I wouldnt have to hear about it everytime I send away some college kid trying to buy alcohol at the store and they give me the "I can die for my country but cant drink speach" .... would make my life easier :lol:

actually with your perspective....They should raise the age limit of joining the Armed forces. At 17 I really had no clue....until the shit hit the fan...then it was OH SHIT what have I got myself into.
kittybeast said:
actually with your perspective....They should raise the age limit of joining the Armed forces. At 17 I really had no clue....until the shit hit the fan...then it was OH SHIT what have I got myself into.

The armed forces has to get ppl when they are young! fresh minds are easier to brainwash :lol:... tho maybe they should laise the age limit so that maybe kids can realise what they are getting into .... so they realise they may get sent to die for a cause that has nothing to do with national defense and more to do with goverment intrests hahaha but that is a whole different story ... :D
Actually the best 6 years of my life was in the Army and the Reserves i've been to
places that ppl can only dream of I just wish I can remember them damn all that
drinking and hashish smoking in Europe :loco: ! Seriously if your old enough
to serve your respective country and vote you should be allowed to drink and
no offense No Mercy and Droogie but due to alot of teen fatalities they
should raise the driving age for safety issues.
No-Mercy said:
oh i know dude!! tell me about it, i turned 14 in july and i get sooo much shit about age. it sucks, but sometimes it helps to know someone else has to endure the bullshit longer! hah

well if it makes you feel better, I am in my 20's and still get ID'd for cigarettes (legal smoking age here being 16). It sucks.

At least here if you go to a gig most places let you in if you are over 14, and just ID people if they look under 18 at the bar for purchasing alcohol. That makes a lot more sense than not letting anyone under legal drinking age in. If you go to a gig, you generally go to watch the band, not get wasted anyway.
MetalLuci said:
well if it makes you feel better, I am in my 20's and still get ID'd for cigarettes (legal smoking age here being 16). It sucks.

hehehe I am 27 and I still get Id'd for smokes .... ofcourse I take it as a compliment that they think I look under 18 :loco:
JonnyD said:
that they think I look under 18 :loco:

And behave accordingly too