2nd band for 2013: ELDRITCH

Many of us here are in the know Mike.
Iced Earth wouldnt be an odd ball or out of line.
I am talking about if a nu metal or death metal or such were booked to appeal to those who dont care about the fest.
Many of us here are in the know Mike.
Iced Earth wouldnt be an odd ball or out of line.
I am talking about if a nu metal or death metal or such were booked to appeal to those who dont care about the fest.

Yeah, I actually don't think Iced Earth would be out of place. Hell, I don't really think Eldritch is out of place, but some will look at them playing Progpower and will label them as being out of place. Having seen them, their live show to me is more in line of seeing a thrash band than a prog band.
If you get a chance, I'd check out their latest, Gaia's Legacy. Yes, it's a concept album based on the global warming problem, heavily influenced by Al Gore's documentary.... if you're not a fan of it, get past the theme and enjoy the music. Really good stuff, heavy/thrashy progressive power metal...

After that, check out El Nino (nothing to do with the last one, lol) and Neighbourhell...


And, if you want something totally different... Blackened Day:

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I by no means am the biggest Eldritch fan in the world. They are one of those bands that really surprised me live. Most things on Headquake or El Nino is good. One album no one talks about that I actually like quite a bit is Reverse, and from that album, I love Leech. Unfortunately, I can't find a sample.

I actually am not fond of the new one, and it has nothing to do with the lyrical content. It just leaves me cold for some reason.