2nd SWWAATS studio report

hard enough to get the tones you hear, since i did no tom replacement.... which was plenty loud enough, obviously. good drummers don't necessarily "look" like their making much effort to play. rule of thumb: listen with you ears, not with your eyes.

having said that, i did ask him to hit harder a few times throughout the session.... but all in all he was a breeze to record and kicked ass.

Most good drummer i know also hit like monsters, and look like it, so i just questioned. no need to get sarcastic on there dude.

Rule Of thumb: chill down before you hit most forums ;)
you take everything as a almost personal threat it seems.

I think we call all agree were not on youtube/myspace here, so we can act like that aswell.
it's a quote... from a book, or poem.... and who cares anyway? that's the name, it's way cooler than any random two-word emo name could ever hope to be, and all the good short names are pretty well taken anyway.... so why sweat it? you like the band or you dont... if their name length effects that, then well... looks like the b-mouth attitude is starting to migrate here. seriously, i expected higher standards (read musical) for criticism here, rather than the typical youtube/b-mouth/myspace silliness. i mean, if the band sucked then fair game, but you've said they sound great to you.... and as far as i'm concerned that buys a whole lot of passes on things like band name, image, etc.

hard enough to get the tones you hear, since i did no tom replacement.... which was plenty loud enough, obviously. good drummers don't necessarily "look" like their making much effort to play. rule of thumb: listen with you ears, not with your eyes.

having said that, i did ask him to hit harder a few times throughout the session.... but all in all he was a breeze to record and kicked ass.

looks like a few scenes have triggers though
Most good drummer i know also hit like monsters, and look like it, so i just questioned. no need to get sarcastic on there dude.

Rule Of thumb: chill down before you hit most forums ;)
you take everything as a almost personal threat it seems.

I think we call all agree were not on youtube/myspace here, so we can act like that aswell.

oh shit, haha
Most good drummer i know also hit like monsters, and look like it, so i just questioned. no need to get sarcastic on there dude.

Rule Of thumb: chill down before you hit most forums ;)
you take everything as a almost personal threat it seems.

I think we call all agree were not on youtube/myspace here, so we can act like that aswell.
nothing in my reply was intended as sarcastic or confrontational... and i guess i just dont understand how a drummer i just recently met hits his drums is anything i could in any way take as a personal threat... your post just leaves me scratching my head man... seriously... what gives?

i even went on to say that i did actually ask the guy to hit harder.... so, you've really just lost me man.

are you sure it's me that takes everything as a threat? i said nothing at all to "call you out" on anything you said... you stated your observation from a video and i stated my observations from first hand experience working in the room with the drummer and from years of recording some of the world's best drummers, including Deen Castronovo, Steve Smith, Richard Christy, Jeremy Colson, Mike Terrana, Brian Harris, and many more and playing with the likes of Dave Lombardo, Ray Luzier, Roy Mayorga, John Tempesta, etc etc..... my point was simply that you need only need to hit hard enough to get good tone..... after a certain velocity you reach the point of diminishing returns.. and the point at which you get the tonal "sweet spot" for a given drum has a LOT to do with the skins and how they are tuned. if you wanna get butt-touched over that, rock on.... the fact remains though that when skins are tuned low you have to hit a bit harder than when they are tuned high.... we tuned these drums fairly high, because of the speed and density of the playing.. it just suited the style of the band better.

you posed a question/observation and i replied... i posed a "rule of thumb" for the benefit of those reading this thread for educational value. it was your choice to take it as sarcastic personal attack of some kind.

for the record, the most common thing i have to say to drummers during a session is something along the lines of, "hit the drums man.... you have to smack the tone out of them, so you can't tap them like a girl"

i don't appreciate the personal remark, i made none toward you....so maybe try some of that there chillaxing yourself.
looks like a few scenes have triggers though
i always record the trigger splats (the acoustic sound made by the trigger mechanism when the drum it's mounted to is struck). i do this so i have a clean, accurate source to key my gates. i do not use trigger splats for adding samples, unless no actual acoustic drum was recorded... as was the case on this SWWAATS recording with the kicks. toms however are natural, gated with their own trigger splats as the key source.

i always use the orginal drum track, and not the trigger splat track during sample enhancement, so that i can more quickly align phase during the process of laying the samples in. it's really not optimal for the original kick to be aligned rarefaction to excursion against the sample enhancement, as one will be pushing with the other is pulling. really most noticeable when there's a series of kicks that are very exposed and the sample and original are close to the same level while the phase alignment varies. i choose to keep phase perfect between sample and original at all times, that's just the way i do it. i find this easier to do, with my way of laying in samples (since i don't use drumagog for my own reasons), by working from the original drum track.

i never use trigger splats to feed a sampler or soft-sampler or ant drum replacement software.
Sure, that's what they all say... you just want him to sound like Tempesta and shit...

(I want those damned toms!)

(And that damned drummer!)

(Solely for his drumming abilities, mind you!)

Ah Mike Heller, dude is a monster, you guys should see some of his Malignancy videos on Youtube!

Material in the video sounds great James, awesome work as usual!

Not to derail the thread too much but one thing I've always wondered about using trigger splats to key samples or gates... Normally you connect the triggers to a module and have to play with all of the sensitivity settings to make sure that the module is only firing once for each stroke and only when the drum is actually hit, not because of random resonances or other drums setting it off... So are the recorded trigger splats all of varying volumes based on the intensity of the vibration that the piezo is picking up? Do you have to throw a gate on the trigger splat track and set the threshold so that only the REAL splats are coming through to control the sidechained gates on the actual tom track?

Sorry if it's a n00b question but I've never had the chance to record triggers myself and this is a detail I've always been curious about!
So are the recorded trigger splats all of varying volumes based on the intensity of the vibration that the piezo is picking up? Do you have to throw a gate on the trigger splat track and set the threshold so that only the REAL splats are coming through to control the sidechained gates on the actual tom track?
the level of the splat is definitely dependent upon the velocity of the strike that triggers it... but it's more constricted, dynamically i find... i think it's just the nature of the mechanism... but no, you don't need a gate... they will pretty much only produce a splat when the drum is struck... that's why they are so great to record for use in keying gates.

You simply have a nasty way of saying things dude.

I don't like to be revered to as a random 16 year old bored badmouther on youtube.
And i don't want to be talked to like your my mentor by giving me "rules of thumb" everyone know, if i wanted you as my mentor i would have asked you right?

You would go apeshit if i said that to you, so you could understand how i don't like to be talked to like that.

You have a way of talking down to people, and its not speaking for you but against you.

But you know what, if i look at similar discussions people had with you, i'll just go:

Oh man! your right! i never looked at it that way! and you played on spiritual healing!

To make you happy and be done with it.

Succes with the band and all!
why are the dutch so angry all the time? don't you have the best pot there? or at least plentiful?

sorry you don't like my writing style. not going to change it for you though, i'm busy so i write very to the point... i mean, if i'd wanted your critique of my writing style i'd have asked for it right?

i'm here for those that appreciate the insight of someone with more experience than themselves, not to win a congeniality contest. having said that i get quite a lot of PMs from members here thanking me for being approachable and freely giving advice... and isn't this what the forum is here for?
I chose to get offended by the 2 remarks i pointed out, but i think if your being honest, you would be too if it was the other way around.

And i'm not gonna change my opinion about your writing style, so were done here then ;)
I chose to get offended by the 2 remarks i pointed out, but i think if your being honest, you would be too if it was the other way around.

And i'm not gonna change my opinion about your writing style, so were done here then ;)
yep, you sure did... and nope, i don't think i would at all.

and again i never personally attacked you, you chose to take it that way. life is full of choices though, and at 21 you've still quite a few to make ahead of you. i wish you the best in all of them, and for your musical endeavors both in front of and behind the boards.
damn, I always had those problems with drumagog...don't know why, but I never have to phase align every hit now that I'm using aptrigga...
just move the whole track - observing one hit - to align the phase and it's cool for every single hit in the project.
dunno why this works, but it just does...main reason I'm using aptrigga