2nd SWWAATS studio report

i may check out aptrigga again then..i have it but need to update it... but seriously,i fly through each song with my method, generally needing to stop and adjust only a couple times. takes me anywhere from one or two minutes per song, avg. it goes something like this.... tab (set to region boundary, not transient) while zoomed in close enough to clearly view phase between the two tracks... holding it down the track just flies by. i stop when i see a problem at which point a i select the sample then Cmnd, Shft, Rtrn to select to the end and drag to make the adjustment..... then carry on holding down tab. i lay in the sample in such a way to start with that it's already very accurate. i really only do this for kick, since it only works well for single samples.
James Murphy said:
sorry you don't like my writing style. not going to change it for you though, i'm busy so i write very to the point... i mean, if i'd wanted your critique of my writing style i'd have asked for it right?

i'm here for those that appreciate the insight of someone with more experience than themselves, not to win a congeniality contest. having said that i get quite a lot of PMs from members here thanking me for being approachable and freely giving advice... and isn't this what the forum is here for?

Well said...i mean you give a lot on this forum, IMO. Your work is an inspiration for me to better my work, as I've told you, and you don't ask for anything in return...pretty f'in cool in my book. The only times you haven't given your advice or opinion or something is when you have simply been too busy or not capable of responding how you would like, such as "hey check this mix man" and you were in the back of a SUV going down the road and stuck with subpar headphones, and you still offered to check it out anyway.

damn, I always had those problems with drumagog...don't know why, but I never have to phase align every hit now that I'm using aptrigga...
just move the whole track - observing one hit - to align the phase and it's cool for every single hit in the project.
dunno why this works, but it just does...main reason I'm using aptrigga

you gotta turn auto align off, and then in advanced->auto-align set it to "start at peak" instead of psycho-acoustical
nice natural toms!

I couldn't see any mics on the toms..... what do you mic with, and where the hell are they??
actually the shot of him playing along to the song he recorded himself with his own cam, just playing along to the already mixed track. he did it in his basement. the other footage, like when you see me dialing in the tom tones as he hits them are from the tracking studio. you can see the mics in those shots.
Great tips James! The S.W.W.A.A.T.S. stuff is sounding killer also.

I too have been having problems with phase/timing of the samples w/ Drumagog and other programs...so here's what I do(similar to James I think).

I like to find the sample I like the best then go through the track and print the samples on a new track, listening for the dynamic ratio I want and to make sure I'm getting all the hits. Then I use the region separation in beat detective on the sample track to cut up all of the samples into there own regions. It really isn't too hard since there is no bleed on the sample tracks. I then zoom in so I can see the phase between the two tracks and turn off the tab to transient and tab to each region and then adjust manually with the hand tool. That way I never have to zoom in or out and just fix the timing, hit tab then move on to the next hit. Then afterwards I use beat detective again and use the create fills and fades, then I'm done. All the hits are lined up and I still have the multi-samples and dynamic ratio of my choice.

Hope this helps some people, and maybe someone else can chime in and show us some other cool ideas.