EXODUS VS Pearl Room Security

What's the track #?
I actually have that CD here in my drawer at work, though Professor Lee here never gave me a track listing....

You think I have all the time in the world to sit online and go to Metal Archives to look it up!?!?!
(Wait, don't answer that!! :lol:)
IIRC, it's track #3. It should go Deflagration, Alternate Reality, then The Book of Lies.

And yeah, we saw Opeth twice as well. And they only played like 2 songs the same at each show. But I don't need to see them again anytime in the near future.
With the new 355 extension the Pearl Room is only about 20 minutes now from me instead of 50. It shuld be much more accessible for everybody.

Back on topic, about time somebody said something to those dick security guards. Generally I tend to stray toward the side of security but the guys at the Pearl Room are just Nazis.
I love the two kids at the very end of the video that jump off and pretty much go straight to the floor.

As an insurance agent, I have to admit that the venue has a tremendous liability by allowing fans onstage and stage diving, along with the whole Dimebag situation that was already brought up.

But it was defintiely cool to see the band stand up for their fans.
i saw the security literally throw a dude out at Gigantour II at the congress. i've never actually seen someone get thrown out like they do in the movies until then.
Dragging a 15 year old kid out in a choke hold is completely uncalled for.

Interesting...I saw the same move at the Enslaved show there. One second, there is a group of people jostling around up front (not even really moshing), and the next second, there is a guy in a choke hold being dragged out. Literally, his heels were scraping the ground. I couldn't even see that he did anything worse than bumping into the security guard one too many times.

I've always heard people bitch about security at concerts, but most of the time it's just whiny idiots complaining that they got caught being annoying jerks, and I tend to side with security. So this was easily the worst "punishment doesn't fit the crime" offense that I've ever seen.

Now, this Exodus scene was just looked plain fucking stupid. A non-stop stream of stage-divers? I'm surprised there was even anyone left in the crowd to catch them, since it seemed like half the crowd was busy running up onstage. I'm pretty sure I would have put some of those idiots in choke holds if I was up front and they kept raining down on me like that.

Ooh! Do tell more!!!
I normally don't venture further south than Lombard on the 355..
I can take 355 close to Mokena??

I-355 south to I-80 east, exit at US 45 and you're there. The one time I've used it so far, it took 20-30 minutes off my travel time from Schaumburg. It's the greatest thing ever to happen to the Pearl Room, as far as I'm concerned.

Pearl Room Travel Guru
Wow, thanks Neil!!!!

I got lost both times I have gone to the Pearl Room.

I used to take Route 83 all the way south, and basically got f*cked both times!!! HA!

(SHUT UP Bob!)
I-355 south to I-80 east, exit at US 45 and you're there. The one time I've used it so far, it took 20-30 minutes off my travel time from Schaumburg. It's the greatest thing ever to happen to the Pearl Room, as far as I'm concerned.

Pearl Room Travel Guru

:OMG: HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT!!! Thanks so much....I didn't know it went all the way to 80. That's awesome...looks like I'll be going to even more shows there now!! :kickass:
We had problems at BB Kings with security throwing out kids for headbanging and screaming taunts at us like "y'all should be in church" while they were physically pushing us out of the venue 2 minutes after the show was done. I'm not exagerating. Go figure they only do that for non-thrash shows (that was Rotting Christ. From what I hear, they let the Exodus crowd do whatever they wanted).

Funny... the Emperor show there was probably the most dangerous show I've been to. I literally got ripped from the front and I found myself towards the back of the venue. that never happened to me before. Nobody got thrown out at Emperor... and nobody got thrown out at Finntroll.
Funny... the Emperor show there was probably the most dangerous show I've been to. I literally got ripped from the front and I found myself towards the back of the venue. that never happened to me before. Nobody got thrown out at Emperor... and nobody got thrown out at Finntroll.

Yea, they just started that "no moshing" rule like last August, and it used to go by a "show by show" basis. They stopped us all at Enslaved, but the security weren't dicks about it and nobody got thrown out, they just kept the pits from starting. Rotting Christ was literally the first time people have been harassed for it, and the security took it as far as to throw out anyone headbanging a little crazy in their line of sight.
Good for Exodus. That fat mother fucker at the Pearl Room pisses me off so much, and he smells like shit. Always on my dick whenever I even lean on the stage.

I'm not into the whole security and barricades thing. If I go to an Exodus show, or a Municipal Waste show, or whatever, I'm there to fuck shit up. The bands LOVE it. Why fuck it up for the bands? They're not gonna wanna come back.
Good for Exodus. That fat mother fucker at the Pearl Room pisses me off so much, and he smells like shit. Always on my dick whenever I even lean on the stage.

I'm not into the whole security and barricades thing. If I go to an Exodus show, or a Municipal Waste show, or whatever, I'm there to fuck shit up. The bands LOVE it. Why fuck it up for the bands? They're not gonna wanna come back.

there are certain bands that you need a wild crowd for....Municiple Waste, DRI, Murphys Law, and any band in that vien. During Therion people were trying to slam and stuff and it really bothered me because you had to watch your back when a great stage show was going on.

Some of my favorite shows ever have been the ones that were totally out of hand. DRI at the Fireside Bowl was a great time. It was insane but no one was being jerks or hurting anyone.

There is one guy I would love to see taken out at any show. Any one who has been to a metal show at the HOB knows who it is....that fat ass skinhead ass who loves just knocking people around. It seems he never goes anywhere else other than the HOB. This is a guy who just needs to be banned from any club.

Most of the Pearl Romm security seem to be dicks. Well the ones who are in the front of the stage. It is that evil I guess we must have. The way I look at it is that if enough bands catch wind of Reggies and the new Bottom Lounge...hopefully bands will have a better option to play a more freindlier club. Plus actually getting to play the city and not hicktown.
Funny... the Emperor show there was probably the most dangerous show I've been to. I literally got ripped from the front and I found myself towards the back of the venue. that never happened to me before. Nobody got thrown out at Emperor... and nobody got thrown out at Finntroll.
Emperor wasn't that bad, except for the chick next to me who had a spiked bracelet that security didn't take. the pit pushed into me and i went into her bracelet. shit hurt.