3 fav songs from ATWB

Are you saying nailed is last? :O

Yes. Not to say I think it's bad, because I don't. I absolutely love the whole album! I would just rank it last as it's hard for me to personally connect to a song with lyrics about Martin Luther. I find I can connect deeper to the lyrics on the rest of the album. As a whole, though, the entire album is about tied for me!
Hey, JayArby, you've made a few comments, but where's your top 3?

Having already nominated my top 2 earlier in this thread, I guess I'm ready to commit to a full 3:

1. The Gift of Music
2. I Am
3. Nailed/As the World Bleeds
Hm...honestly it's really hard to name a favorite three. But I will try.

1. The clear winner is I AM. Possibly the best Theocracy song ever.
2. Probably Altar to the Unknown God
3. Maybe Nailed?

But tomorrow it will probably change. :)
  1. Altar To The Unknown God
  2. The Gift Of Music
  3. Hide In The Fairytale

That's my top 3...at least right now.
Tsemech, welcome to the forum! I am glad to see Hide In The Fairytale - a seriously under-appreciated song - in your Top 3. Too bad it's not your favorite or you could be in our club:

The "Hide In The Fairytale Rules My Life Above All Others Posse" updated membership list:

President: SeaStorm
Vice-President: I Rock 4 God
Secretary: labarum



I Am is probably the best piece of music on the whole, but the above 3 are the ones I listen to the most. The riff around 2:25 in Altar to the Unknown God (Dun.. nuh nun.. *sweep* x2, Dun.. nuh nun.. harmonic, Dun.. nuh nun.. squeal.) is just incredible. Riff of the year bar none!
  1. Altar To The Unknown God
  2. The Gift Of Music
  3. Hide In The Fairytale

That's my top 3...at least right now.

Tsemech, welcome to the forum! I am glad to see Hide In The Fairytale - a seriously under-appreciated song - in your Top 3. Too bad it's not your favorite or you could be in our club:


Thanks for the welcome, SeaStorm! Sorry I can't be in your club. Is there an Altar To The Unknown God club yet? Lol.

I used to skip over The Gift Of Music when I first got the CD. (I noticed it's not one of your faves.) But now I love it. :)
It's impossible to say a favorite... the whole album is just amazing, it's the best record I've ever heard. Have to say that Drown is my least favorite, although I would rate it 9½/10 :grin:.

The 3 tracks I've lately been listening veeeeeery much:
- As The World Bleeds
- The Gift of Music
- Hide In The Fairytale