4-16: Festival update:


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I will be online tomorrow night at 8pm EST on Facebook to discuss the status of the festival. Please note that no major announcement will be forthcoming. I just want to provide you with full disclosure so you can understand the big picture and just how much it effects me personally, bands, the fans, and possibly the future of the festival itself.

We will also discuss more new releases, have a few drinks, and shoot the shit as usual.

**Please note that you do not have to be a member of Facebook to view the live video. Simply visit the page.

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For those of us who missed it, can anyone kindly summarize what Glenn said in the meeting about the festival's status?
Lucky you I quick-sketched this for a friend last night right after:

headline take: depends on how things shake out
postpone? perhaps a full year postpone, it not full year maybe some months, potential replacements based on who can still come or maybe has to cancel outright
won't be business as usual, maybe masks handed out, temp checks, restricted in/out privs to control flow...unknown, but health of the people is the highest priority
outright cancelation is the last option, and if it happens it's possible that's it
all the visa money is spent, no refunds possible, if that's a total loss that might be the end of the fest except for "passing the hat" and getting donations to cover the damages
no hard feelings to any attendees or bands that don't want to come because they feel it's too risky, that's fine, no preaching or bitching
that pretty much sums it up, massive unpredictability, cancelation is the nuclear option
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Postpone wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. A lot of people up north would love to go down to Atlanta when the months get colder for their annual metal reunion. Personally I'd prefer a warmer weather festival so I wouldn't have to drive over Lookout Mountain in the winter, but I'd find a way to get over it if I had to put on snow shoes and push my car over it. Might be a good time to crack out some warm spiced cider & rum for the Artmore Courtyard after party. Hopefully there won't be any cancellations, but it seems inevitable. Glenn always has good backup bands so thats not a big issue. We're all in no matter what & if Glenn has to pass the hat I'm sure enough people would contribute so he doesn't have to close the festival. I know I would help out in that regard.

Welp, we'll see what happens. Thanks a lot for putting your report together.
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