4 More Years!!!!!!

Sorry, but the US citizens are total dumbasses to vote again for bush... i just can't believe it.
Missery said:
Sorry, but the US citizens are total dumbasses to vote again for bush... i just can't believe it.
look who he was against... john kerry is at least as incompetent as bush... its easier to just go with what you already know
A moment of silence for the stupidity of the american people.. and for the rest of the world as we'll be stuck with the bastard..

But then again, everyone has the leaders they deserve
random phil summed it up pretty well on SOT

random_phil said:
At the end of the day, this election seemed to be more of a referendum on Bush than a an actual vote between 2 candidates. If the Democrats had someone who based their campaign om more than not being George W. Bush, they could well have won it.
i agree, though i didn't like either of them.
Elysian893 said:
i honestly think kerry could, especially if he had a shot at his absurd socialized healthcare plan.
look at a lot of european countries, some of which have this same healthcare structure. I dont hear a lot from the nordic countries on healthcare reform.

kerry has a few good ideas, bush had a couple too. but i liked neither of them, so my vote waits for next season.
It honestly doesnt matter who might ahve won that elections. America is fucked either way, the damage is already done. They are the most hated country in the world. It is just a matter of time until history repeats its self.
It's a brilliant movie, ya know...

These elections have just proven my point: more than 1 out of 2 Americans is a TOTAL dumbass :p

I favoured neither of them, but America would have looked more sensible in my eyes if they at least TRIED some change, but it's crap, and I guess they like their crap that way....I have to agree on this: Every nation gets the leader it deserves...