47-Style Shootout (DiY and ADK Content)


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
I don't know how interested you guys will be in this, but I dig this kind of thing, so I figured I'd post.

I got the chance to test out the ADK T-FET Berlin 47 for a few minutes last night, so I decided to compare it to my hand-built U47. My DiY U47 features a BeesNeez K7 capsule, AMI BV8, and Telefunken EF800 tube, built point to point by yours truly. The ADK is a FET, not a tube mic, but it also features a transformer and 47-family voicing. The ADK FET is designed for soft-saturation like a tube, from what I understand. Unfortunately I had a very busy night, so I did this shootout in probably 10 minutes total, so it's just for fun. Voice, strummed acoustic, and fingerpicked acoustic. Feel free to listen and comment, and make a guess if you so wish. As for which sounds "closer" to a U47, I have no idea, as I have never used the genuine article.

Each test is its own; meaning mic "A" is not necessarily the same mic in each test. Volume matching is pretty spot on after double-checking.

www.dropbox.com/s/j3ze3mrmmcu4bap/Voice A.mp3
www.dropbox.com/s/2r8asw9yt1hzn5r/Voice B.mp3

www.dropbox.com/s/y3plr4k12ir6gey/Strumming A.mp3
www.dropbox.com/s/lmgotpdsswld1bm/Strumming B.mp3

www.dropbox.com/s/lad9iwd4geb6tz0/Fingerpick A.mp3
www.dropbox.com/s/266a61a1zzbkblf/Fingerpick B.mp3
