$50 D.I.Y. Reamp box

I am really surpirsed to hear you say this. I built the NYdave box without the pots (no volume and no 'impedence' pot). It was too loud! I had to put in the volume pot to get it back to a normal level?!?!?!

Can this depend on what pickups are being used? I am a passive guy.

That said, I still plan on building the Jenson box as well so that I can try both.


I think it depends on the output level on your interface and how hot the guitar is tracked and such. I guess it isn't completely cranked, but I keep the output pretty high. The Jensen I definitely keep much lower, but all the way up it can add a lot of additional saturation.

But the more I mess with this, kind of the more I don't think it really matters that much. The transformer is primarily there to help with buzzing and break ground loops. Many studios just run an aux and control the volume with the aux. Essentially just turning down the volume till it sounds right. Or DI backwards, even cheap ones. If you open those, the transformers are typically really cheap.. but sound fine and trace fine on a scope.

As explained in the thread I posted above, it goes into more detail about the power handling and impedance and such.

So I wouldn't sweat it too much. Either one will work just fine. There are other schematics on the net. With parts and shipping $50 is about right... add the time it takes to build... + the cost of soldering iron and solder if you don't have one, then a drill... so if you don't have the tools... the buying one is a good deal.

DIY... much like recording... is a labor of love though...
I'm planning on building this Reamp box, and the Bo Hansen DI into a 1U rack gear for ultimate badassery. Also going to wire in a seperate on/off switch with a simple LED circuit to impress the customers :D
With parts and shipping $50 is about right... add the time it takes to build... + the cost of soldering iron and solder if you don't have one, then a drill... so if you don't have the tools... the buying one is a good deal.

DIY... much like recording... is a labor of love though...

Yea. Mine was less than $20 total. I am handy with tools/soldering, and built it into a real nice box (included in the price). Took an hour tops.

I'm bumping this because I'm going to be getting my NYDave Re-Amp box built in the next week or so. I just got the Transformer from Edcor (8 week wait for that bad boy!) and I'm also going to be having the Bo Hansen Active DI built as well. The DI probably cost me about £70 for parts, but everything I've read makes me think it's worth it. Plus, Bo seems like an easy dude to get hold of and is really willing to help people who work on his DI.

I'm looking forward to testing out a Re-Amp through my SL-X
I wasted about $50 building this reamp box :(

Mine sounded like pure shite.

I went back and looked at your posts when I was building my box looking for all the info around.....you had something wrong. Either a bad transformer or something else.

I built the exact same box, and it is VERY hard to tell the difference between mic'd and reamp'd with this box. Even some of the other examples in this thread don't seem right. I think it was "llanafreak" who had a gain drop -- I don't have that either.

I posted this thread in "Rate my..."


This was done with the Dave Reamp box. Everything, guitars bass,
I went back and looked at your posts when I was building my box looking for all the info around.....you had something wrong. Either a bad transformer or something else.

I built the exact same box, and it is VERY hard to tell the difference between mic'd and reamp'd with this box. Even some of the other examples in this thread don't seem right. I think it was "llanafreak" who had a gain drop -- I don't have that either.

I posted this thread in "Rate my..."


This was done with the Dave Reamp box. Everything, guitars bass,

Are you using active pickups?
You probably did it wrong. *shrug*
I did not. I checked it about a million times, had several experienced people look at it, and even got advice on multiple forums. I'm guessing I got a bad transformer or some such, but I wasn't willing to take the time to wait for another transformer from Edcor, or any other parts. It just wasn't worth it. Instead I got an awesome deal on a Redeye
I went back and looked at your posts when I was building my box looking for all the info around.....you had something wrong. Either a bad transformer or something else.

I built the exact same box, and it is VERY hard to tell the difference between mic'd and reamp'd with this box. Even some of the other examples in this thread don't seem right. I think it was "llanafreak" who had a gain drop -- I don't have that either.

I posted this thread in "Rate my..."


This was done with the Dave Reamp box. Everything, guitars bass,
Yeah, I have no doubt it works. I'm just saying mine didn't, which is excruciatingly frustrating since my whole purpose in building it was to save money.
I just got my one put together. I had no volume control, but I just troubleshooted with the retard version and it now works. Finally, I can do re-amps!

The Bo Hansen Active DI is next :)
Hey....Obviously I'm new. From google I found your extensive reamp thread and it really purked my interest in building one of these. I've built a couple DIY projects over the past few years ( Hamptone JFET Mic Pre, 7th Circle mic preamps, and a few Alice microphones I found out about at tapeop.com. So I have a bit of soldering experience. But I'm still kinda rough on being able to read schematics accurately.

Wondering if someone(s) who has successfully finished one of these units could give me some advice? I just ordered the parts from mouser and edcor.

I'm thinking of using an EDCOR WSM 10K/600 tranny and the larger resistor (1.5Kohm), as well as a 100K pot per Dave's updated notebook dated 8 June 2009.

I guess my question has mostly to do with whether I need to isolate (using some kind of plastic insulating plates, washers and/or spacers) any of the following parts from the metal chassis: the input XLR; the output 1/4" jack; the two pots: the transformer; and the two switches, and anything else.

From the U.S. Patent Office I downloaded John Cuniberti's patent documents (schematic, drawings, description, etc) for the original patented REAMP product. At least two of the above parts (the XLR and the transformer) appear to be isolated via various plastic plates, washers and spacers from the metal chassis. So I'm wondering if any of these need the same treatment on the NYDAVE Re-amp.

Thanks for any advice! Mark