
Here it is # 500 and what better thread is there to post it on!!!! so wheres my Spiked Wrist band :loco: anyway I would like to thank all the little ppl who made this Possible well only one really Mr.LuminousAether whos venomous remarks over the past week has prompted many responses from me and friends which in turn has well givin me a reason to Post like 80 times in a short period of time thank you Aether you have done a wonderful service to us all anyways lol thats enough
sixxswine said:
All this courtesy of that "clay dick" LuminousAether !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats JonnyD!

well ya know ya gotta give credit where credit is do if it wasnt for that ass clown I'd still be at about 458 lol what a dick hey if ya wanna see more of his excelent stupidity check out the manowar thread hes been lurking aroud there too ......

anyways THANKS BRO!!!!!!!!
sixxswine said:
Right behind me? That sounds like prison talk bro!
Just kiddin' You're a cool dude, one of UM's best!
Rawk N' Roll:loco:

Yep I agree. Bryant kicks ass and even doesn't mind tooting his own horn >:P~ I always enjoy your posts as well though. As Ronnie would say................ "We Rock !!!!"
