If you had a time machine....

Anything world peace related would come first, no doubt. I would kick some major ass in history ... Attila the Carnut ,huhu ....
As for myselve I would zap back to '75 or so and get into guitar playing.
Would do a much better job than the sounds i try to produce since a few weeks.
I also would get back to a 80's Metal Church concert were I know Hawk was,
and tell him we would meet again in 20 years ....
Damn, it would be nice to step into a 50's pub were my grand parent were having a beer ... Hey, give these chaps something to drink too, haha, if only we could, this world definitly would look better.
I would visit 1974 first for a little while. I'd catch KISS in a few early shows, maybe see the Dolls, Aerosmith and Alice Cooper as well just to experience them in a pretty cool era where in my opinion rock & roll was reborn.

Then I'd go to May 1983, Rio De Janiro and see KISS with Vinnie Vincent in the last makeup shows in front of 150,000 there coz that show is awesome on video.

Then I'd go to 1982 on Sunset Strip and just live the rest of my life starting from there. I'd hang out with Motley Crue, Ratt & David Lee Roth at all the clubs, watch the glam metal scene explode right from the start and enjoy the whole era up until it died in about 1991 and live the Hollywood glam life so many rokkers did back in the late '80s on the Strip!

Then in 1991 I reckon I'd get my time machine back out of storage and maybe do it all again hahah!
Hey I havent see you in a while Trash, hows it hangin bro'?
Well I'd go back to when Pantera was playing the Basement, cause last year I lived a 5 minute drive from it for two years, it's now an Ekards. But I would go to that year and see them play everytime they did, and especially that time they played with Rob Halford on vocals to cover some Priest tunes. I don't think they were in the same place though.
I asked my best friend what would he do with his time machine and he said "I'd go back to 1980 and live out the rest of my life from there, nothing would be better."
I'd also go back and stop the assasination of JFK(R.I.P) and his brother. Then I'd go back to the middle ages to look for King Arthur to see if he actually existed, make all kinds of Battle Axes and swords, then see if magic was real, cause no one can prove it to this day. Then I'd go back and stop Chriss Farley from going out that night he died, and get him to cut back on all that shit, his movies were awesome and it would be cool to meet him and see him in more films.
I hate those people, BASTARDS! My friend(bud1) started smokin and went to his friends house(bud2), they got stoned, bud1 left and bud2s' mom busted bud2, when she asked why was he smoking again he told her bud1 got him back into it, but it was actually the other way around, bud1 had quit and got talked into it again by bud2, then bud1 wasn't allowed to see bud2 for about a month. The truth was, bud2 never quit he just smoked before school so his mom wouldn't bust him.
I'd go back and kick bud2's ass for it, that dudes an idiot and very irresponsible, some people shouldn'e be allowed to smoke, he is one of them. And so am I which is why I never started.
Two possibilities - 1. travel back to 1982 to see the Best reading festival line up ever. (and also pick up lots of NWOBHM singles that I can then sell for plenty money)
2. Go see myself at 16 and suggest I study harder for my exams and exercise more. Possibly a slap would be in order.
madcheese9377 said:
Then I'd go back to the middle ages to look for King Arthur to see if he actually existed, make all kinds of Battle Axes and swords, then see if magic was real, cause no one can prove it to this day. .

sorry to correct your history madcheese,but they reckon arthur lived(if he did at all)in the dark ages rather than the middle ages-around600-900ad,the middle ages being a good few centuries later.
i'm sure hawk will correct me on this one tho.

cause he's cleverer than me. :worship:
I would have definately liked to be teenager back in the early to mid 80's so that I could have gone to all the cool gigs! Man, I daydream about such things :hypno:
baldyboy said:
sorry to correct your history madcheese,but they reckon arthur lived(if he did at all)in the dark ages rather than the middle ages-around600-900ad,the middle ages being a good few centuries later.
i'm sure hawk will correct me on this one tho.

cause he's cleverer than me. :worship:
And indeed here I am doing what you said. Not because I am "cleverer" than you but because I had the interests and took the time and effort to study the subject :grin:

You sound like a clever guy to me Baldy :rock: And you have my respect dude! :wave:

But back to the king Arthur era. There's a new movie out that deals with the subject in a very good way. You see Kings Arthur s troops wearing Roman helmets. The Roman Empire ended in about 475. No not precisely on the 1st of January of that year but vaguely around that date. And thats were the so called "dark ages" started. Named so because much of what the old Greeks and Romans discovered was lost and destroyed. Sometimes by misguided Christians that felt that the ancient heritage was dangerous the the new emerging Christian fate.

The Dark Ages lasted from 475 AD [fall of the Roman Empire] to round and about 100 AD The story of King Arthur however played around the 375/400 AD era. That is, just after the Romans left the British Isle. The power vacuum left by the Romans is contested by several tribes and the battle for Britain is on!!

Now but to the subject of this tread. What would be the answer of a history freak??

Well I would love to meet some historical figures. Almost too bad I am a atheist or I would have the comfort of believing that I would meet them in the end, or should I say after the end ? :)

Anyway here are some names:

The father of logic and thus of the scientific process. Imagine chatting philosophy with this giant!! I would be in total awe!!

Thomas of Aquinas
The man that reintroduced the Aristotelian viewpoint back in the west. Many scholars suspect Aquinas was a closet atheist because his "Five Ways to Prove God's Existence" were so based on logic that they were self-defeating. These days the church will not go anywhere near any logical argument for the existence of god. I would love to debate philosophy and theology with him. Maybe Aristotle could join us!

Leonardo Da Vinci
The true Renaissance man! Painter, architect, scientist, medic, philosopher and mathematician. Should be interesting to meet him! I would tell him how much he is admired now, because in his day he was hated by a lot of people. He used to dig up the dead illegally to study the human body in spite of the fact that the church was dead set against this. You could be burned at the stake for this!

Thomas Jefferson.
I've read his letters and two biographies. A lifelong defender of "man's rights" and a slaveholder! I would ask him about this contradiction. In a letter to George Washington he writes that he doubts that slaves could learn to read. He believes that they were not capable of intellectual work and therefore were better of when "taken care of" Its hard to explain his viewpoint from the perspective of our time. In those days there were no black intellectuals. They were forced to do hard physical labor and it was forbidden to teach them anything including how to read. Did Jefferson really mean what he wrote? Or was that just a cheap racist rationalization? I think it is the last and I would love to confront him with my viewpoint. Still hindsight is always 20/20. I do know Washington did not agree with him because he let his slaves go free as soon as he could.

Adam Smith
Proponent of the Scottish enlightenment and one of the first modern economist. I would love to chat with him about his "Labor theory of value" [hereafter LToV.] This LToV was seized on by Karl Marx to develop his exploitation theory and thus used to justify Socialism.

In 1871 it was demonstrated that the LToV was wrong and thus the exploitation theory was false! But Socialism already had the momentum and could not be stopped. Besides the proof against the LToV was demonstrated in obscure scientific journals mostly on the European continent when the focus of economic theory had shifted to the UK and the US.

Ludwig von Mises.
An amazing Austrian economist! He predicted the fall of the Soviet Union in 1920! And already knew by what cause it would go down. He said that in an economy were capital good were the property of the state and thus were not bought and sold on a market against a market price, their economic value could not be known. And because the value of capital goods could not be known so the value of the products they produced could not be known. Hence in a true socialist economy no rational economic calculation was possible. And if that is true no economy would be possible. Only chaos and shortages could be the result.

von Mises would be productive until his 93th birthday. I could have talked with him for days because he was also a very good historian!

And as last I would go back to the year 1978 and relive all the years thereafter and not change a bloody thing!!

Well, I hope its not too long winded [OF COURSE IT IS HAWK!!!] :p.

I just wanted to express my admiration for some of the people above.

And as last I would go back to the year 1976 and relive all the years thereafter and not change a bloody thing!!
Well if no one has noticed I am a dumbass, and can't remember the history I was learnt. so blah. I do have my doubts that K-Arthur existed but it would be nice to know if it were a story not history.
I would also go back to see the death of Christ, mainly to see what he was really posted onto, a cross? or just a poll? My "ahem" religion (not religiouse) says he was on a poll. I would then go back to everything the bible ever said happened that no one has proof of and prove the bible stories right or wrong. See everything that no one ever got to see like the beggining of the earth, then after doing all these things go to the future and see what the world is like, and myself.
Speaking of myself I'd go back to 2000 and bitch myself out for a couple of things and also tell myself "This dude's gonna backstab you in September, you wont know it till next year and by then it don't matter so when it happens you'll know why and knock him out!"
There's lot's of times and places I would like to go - one of the more serious ones would be going back to like 1999 or 2000 and heading to the flight school in Florida where some of these fuckhead terrorist assholes learned to fly. I'd take a list and photos, and let's just say that I'd make sure they were unable to ever fly a plane or assault anyone in the future. For more of an enjoyment, I've always wanted to see medieval times (although it was VERY brutal to live in those days)...maybe go back to the dinosaur times just to see what the world looked like with thousands of giant lizards walking around (as long as I could bring a weapon for protection or something)...definitely the Mayan civilization...definitely Woodstock to see Hendrix and Santana...the 70's so I could catch Sabbath in their glory...the list could go on forever...
I'd go back and hang out with Cliff Burton, and get him to record me a bunch of stuff so I could listen to everything he ever did, and prevent him from dieing. Then go back and give him a ride in a van so he wouldn't have gotten killed on that bus when it flipped.
Then I'd go back to the concert after Woodstock that Hendrix played the following year,I think,(wich had more people show than Woodstock) and get a backstage pass to hang out with him, and make sure to become a friend and try to figure out if he was murdered or not then go back again and prevent it from happening.
On a lighter side I'd go back to 2001 and watch myself take on this giant hill on my skateboard on my 30th time and watch myself yell at those people to get out of my way :yell: and cause they didn't I fell down and ran into a tree. :loco: I bet it wass funny as hell to see that from across the street. :lol:
I will erase Wako Jacko, Crapona, Shitney and other garbage from existence before they even got a hit

I also smoke Yoko Ono before John Lennon can meet her, then I convince the Beatles to play faster, get a double bass, smoke higher and invent power metal in 1968 :lol: