time for a change.


Sep 2, 2003
planet thanet.uk.
on a similar(ish)line to my last thread,if you could go back in time and change one thing that happened in rock/metal,what would it be?
for example,my one thing would be to stop cliff burton from dying in that bus.
i think that if i had have done that,metallica would have been more like the band that everyone wants them to be now. :headbang:

so people,what one thing would you do,and what would it acheive(in your hypothetical opinion?). :wave:
Now this is strange indeed! I was thinking about opening a thread called "hell has granted you three wishes" where I wanted people to post three of their most desired changes in Metal/Rock history. And I would have voted for saving Cliff, too. But as I have only one vote and Cliff has aready been mentioned I'd say I would have done something to prevent Bobby Gustafson from leaving Over Kill. Years Of Decay was such a great album and I'm so sorry that we never found out how the real successor would have sounded...
DrillSergeant said:
Now this is strange indeed! I was thinking about opening a thread called "hell has granted you three wishes" where I wanted people to post three of their most desired changes in Metal/Rock history. And I would have voted for saving Cliff, too. But as I have only one vote and Cliff has aready been mentioned I'd say I would have done something to prevent Bobby Gustafson from leaving Over Kill. Years Of Decay was such a great album and I'm so sorry that we never found out how the real successor would have sounded...

Though I gotta say Merrit Gant and Rob Cavino were pretty good on WFO Anyways If I were to change anything I would go back to the night Criss Oliva Died And prevent it from happening He was far to talented and far to young to die like that that and He is the Best fukin guitar player (IMHO) ever :)
I gotta say the one even I would change would be the Randy Rhoads plane crash. Who knows how much more music would'a come outta that guy?!?!? With or without OZZY, he would have put out a LOT of great stuff by now.
As far as bringing Cliff back, I would agree. But only because he was one of a handfull of bass players that truely impressed me, not because Metallica would have stayed the same.

My choice, well, its hard to say without being a rehash of things that were said thousands of times before. Everyone wants SVR, Randy Rhodes, Jimi Hendrix, Cliff Burton, Liberaci, and Kurt Cobain to remain here on the Mortal Coil. Ok, maybe not Liberaci.

I personally would like to see nothing changed at all.
Most of the Important ppl who are dead have already been mentioned, Just for a change i would wish that The Beatles never existed, PPL give too much credit to them , I feel they are too overrated, Otherwise atleast i would wish that Black Sabbath existed before The Beatles. Atleast in that way those
Beatles Maniacs wont credit everything especially Metal to the so called Beatles screwballs :hotjump: :headbang:
tedvanfrehley said:
I gotta say the one even I would change would be the Randy Rhoads plane crash. Who knows how much more music would'a come outta that guy?!?!? With or without OZZY, he would have put out a LOT of great stuff by now.
This was the first thing I thought of. You said it well dude :headbang:
clangorous said:
Most of the Important ppl who are dead have already been mentioned, Just for a change i would wish that The Beatles never existed, PPL give too much credit to them , I feel they are too overrated
Thats funny because I feel the same about Cannibal Corpse.
All hail The Beatles!! :lol:
I have a few.
1.) Bring Cliff back. I think had he lived Metallica wouldn't have had such a shit sound on And Justice..., They probably wouldn't have done a Load record & I would have loved to have heard what input he would have had in the future of the band.
2.) I would have saved Randy Castillo & had him switch places with someone like Steven Adler.
3.) I would have done something to stop Zakk Wylde from branching out & doing solo records. He has become scum since putting out Pride & Glory.
4.) I would have probably stopped EMT's from reaching Phil Anselmo at the Teax gig when he had his overdose.
5.) I would have stopped Dave Mustaine from having his "accident" that lead to the demise of Megadeth.
6.) At this point in time, I would have probably had Vince Neil switch places with Razzle...
7.) I would have cut David Lee Roth's "rope" when he was mountain climbing, when he was shooting footage for the "Just Like Paradise" video.
8.) I'm not a Randy Rhodes fan. I find him extremely overrated. I would save him however, & put Bob Daisley on the damn plane!
9.) I would have only had one Grunge band "make it." Alice In Chains.
10.) I would save Lane Staley & nix Scott Weiland...
11.) I would kill Cobain twice...
12) I would prevent the Jimmy Page & P.Diddy collaberation from ever happening!
13.) I would do #12 by having Diddy fall into a wood chipper....
14.) And I would save Jennifer Lopez!
15.) I would prevent this thread from ever making it to UM....
I like this thread! weeelll...I'd kill Bob Rock, save Cliff, talk Metallica out of using any traces of Load, Re-Load or St. Anger into their albums, try to invent a way to destroy drop-D tuning, become president, decree that music with drop-D tuning, whiny vocals, growly vocals to make you sound hardcore, rapping, lack of solos, the use of the guitar as more of a precussive instrument and white men with dreadlocks is NOT metal. I'd also make sure somehow that Criss gets home safely the night he dies, so he DOESN'T get killed by a drunk driver. Make sure Queensryche sticks to some form of metal and not go into a more alternative tinged prog. rock..thing they do now.

I'd Make sure Tom G. Warrior releases the "Cold Lake" album solo, with a different band or if need be, not at all. Just not as a Celtic Frost album, it hurt them so much. Make sure Megadeth never makes "Risk", uhhh....break Slayer up after "Seasons In The Abbyss", and finally, my last two things...find a cure for cancer so Chuck Shuldiner doesn't die and make sure Overkill's first album is released when it was done(around the time of Metallica's first album)so they can get the recognition they deserve. ok..i'm done.
sixxswine said:
I have a few.
1.) Bring Cliff back. I think had he lived Metallica wouldn't have had such a shit sound on And Justice..., They probably wouldn't have done a Load record & I would have loved to have heard what input he would have had in the future of the band.


13.) I would do #12 by having Diddy fall into a wood chipper....
14.) And I would save Jennifer Lopez!
15.) I would prevent this thread from ever making it to UM....

You RULE man. I am in full agreement! :p
baldyboy said:
nice to see that everyone took the ONE THING part of the origional premise so seriously.lol.
sixx-i thought you'd be actively encouraging people to post threads!

Brother, #15 on my list was a damn goof. I like this thread. It is fresh & have seen nothing like this on UM before. To the original person who posted the thread. Excellent job!
oops,me missing the joke.not the first time i've done that-sorry sixx.i thank you for the excellent job comment however.i'm not really good at top 10 threads or fave threads-i can never think of the topics to do on them.i think the ranting type threads are more my foray,or the hypothetical ones.
its nice to see a few people agree with me about the cliff part of it though-i think that seems to be no 1 with most of us
I'll also pick Cliff's death, not only for what it ment for Metallica but also for what happened to Flotsam & Jetsam. They were never they sam after Jason left in my opinion.
#16) I would lose Axl's master tapes for the Chinese Democracy disc & dive him to the Asylum...
#17) I would have prevented Nine Inch Nails from ever being "in."
#18) I would have had Stevie Ray Vaughan swap choppers with Eric Clapton...
#19) I would make abortions retroactive & start with Johnny Lang!
#20) I would have made Kenny Wayne Shepherd Twins!
#21) see #19, then Michael Jackson...
#22) I would have prevented Michael Schenker from making an ass out of himself(again) on the last gig that he played with UFO...
#23) I would have done anything possible to prevent the Scorpions to collaberate with a symphony...
#24) I would have put a slug in the head of that guy that handled vocals on the
Scorpions Symphony concert...Thus saving us from that car wreck.
#25) I would prevent Chris Degamo from leaving the Ryche.
#26) See #19 only this time Kelly Grey!
#27) I would have stopped Don Dokken from wearing his funky weave...
#28) I would get George Lynch off his roids...
#29) I would sock in the mouth the guy that gave Mick Brown the nuck name "Wild." He ain't soooo "Wild."
#30) I would give Joey Tempist the sex change he has wnating for all these years....
#31) I would have prevented ANY Europe discs froms EVER being issued in the USA.
#32) I would give Billy Milano a tummy tuck....
to be continued....