time for a change.

baldyboy said:
lets see if the swine can hit the 100 mark before then end of the month!

Sounds like a dare to me Swine! I'll bump it up to the dreaded "double dog dare you". :)
Part III
#33.) I would get Klaus Meine different genetics, so he wouldn't have the little man syndrom & have some hair & not always have to wear those god damn goofy hats!
#34.) I would probably have Ron MacGovny "capped" enough of this guy. He was in Metallica for less time than it takes me to drop a couple of niggas in the pool. Enough already
#35.) Change Snowy Shaw's stage name. "Snowy?" Gimme a fuckin' break!
#36.) Prevent Black Sabbath from carrying on after the Dio era. That just tainted the Sabbath name...
#37.) Given the "Journalist" that gave the band "Talas" all this critical acclaim a "Colombian neck tie."
#38.) I would regroup Faith No More...
#39.) I would give Motorhead "Success" in America...
#40.) I would bring Chris Oliva back from the dead...
more to come...
baldyboy said:
cmon sixx,keep em comin!
btw-just to let you know,europe are releasing a new album and dvd in the summer.i will be helping to export it to your great country as per usual.

They are also touring this summer. According to the rumors anyway.

Back to the original topic the one thing I would do is stop Kurt Kobain from dying (No I'm not some sad Nirvana obsessed ten year old bear with me)because then Nirvana could run its natural course and die with the rest of the grunge era. You wouldn't have a bunch of kids who were only just born when he died going on about how much of a genius he was and even if they did at least it would be deserved not just because he is notorious for killing himself.
SpiritCrusherBTR said:
Well, to actually go by the topic and keep it to one thing I would prevent Chuck Schuldiner from passing away so he can enrich us all with new material.
You are so correct & I would add that to my list at #41.
Chuck was one hell of a writer & guitarist.
#42.) I would go back in time & make MSG's Assualt Attack record a world wide hit. Like let's a say aPyromania or Hysteria. I love Graham Bonnet. He has one hell of a voice!
#43.) I would help Rick Allen get his arm back.
#44.) I would have made Diamond Head's Death & Prgress record a world wide hit. What a hell of a band.
#45.) I would have prevented Saxon from ever happening. I just don't get that band & don't want to.
They are kind of NWOBHM's answer to a Poison....
#46.) I would have slapped Glenn Danzig at even the thought of getting rid of the original Danzig line-up.
#47.) I would grant Kerry King his wish to have a full skull of hair....
#48.) Two?! That's too much! Should have never happened!
#49.) I would have broken Mason up already. Why are they still around?!
#50.) I would get Gene Simmons to admit he has a weave & to admit that he dyes his hair. His hair is blacker than mine! C'mon!
baldyboy said:
#46 is bang on-danzig should never have gotten rid of john christ and eeire von.plus how could you ditch a drummer with the coolest name in metal-chuck biscuits!

I agree! I only own the first Danzig album, never heard another one I liked. Give me the old Misfits over Danzig solo stuff any day.
nay nay and thrice nay greeno my old fella-that first danzig album rules over anything he did with the misfits.the best thing the misfits ever did was supply metallica with some songs to dramatically improve for b sides.i guess you have to be in a more punk frame of mind to enjoy the misfits.they really were never my bag baby!
baldyboy said:
nay nay and thrice nay greeno my old fella-that first danzig album rules over anything he did with the misfits.the best thing the misfits ever did was supply metallica with some songs to dramatically improve for b sides.i guess you have to be in a more punk frame of mind to enjoy the misfits.they really were never my bag baby!

Nay my ass!! :) I do think that the first Danzig album is great, and maybe better than some of the Misfits albums, but in no way does it even come close to the Misfits "Walk Among Us"! That album is in my top 10 of all time. Just my opinion, and you know what that's worth... SQUAT!!
your wrong greeno-i happen to think your opinion counts for rather a lot actually.
thats not to say i agree with you about the misfits though.one thing i have noticed about guys that really like the misfits is that always prefer it to danzigs other stuff and also that the vast majority of them really get wound up when you mention the whole metallica thing.it seems to fuck them off mightily.why is that?
baldyboy said:
your wrong greeno-i happen to think your opinion counts for rather a lot actually.
thats not to say i agree with you about the misfits though.one thing i have noticed about guys that really like the misfits is that always prefer it to danzigs other stuff and also that the vast majority of them really get wound up when you mention the whole metallica thing.it seems to fuck them off mightily.why is that?

To be honest I was late getting into the Misfits, was late getting into punk over all. I'd heard a little of the Misfits before hearing Metallica cover them but they made me want to dig deeper and hear more. I'm very much a metalhead who like punk, not the other way around. I'm not sure why the older punks get pissed off about Metallica. But then again why do I get pissed when I see a TV commercial selling an SUV with Buzzcocks music, or Bud selling beer with a Ramones song. Something inside of me tells me it's just wrong.