5150 plus TS10


Jul 24, 2002
Fargo, ND USA
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I love the sound of my 5150 with the TS10 into the front end. What I can't stand, however, is the fargin' feedback that I'm getting. My settings are as follows:

Drive: all the way off
Tone: 10 o'clock
Level: 11 o'clock

5150 Lead Channel
Gain: 3.5
Bass: 6
Mid: 3.5
Treble: 6.5
Resonance: 6.5
Presence: 7

Even at reasonably low volumes (1.5, 2) I often get what sounds like microphonic feedback if the guitar volume is up. If I click off the TS, it's gone. If I run straight into the amp, I can push the gain up to 7 without getting the same thing (haven't tried turning it higher). Has anybody run into the same thing? Is this common with other Tube Screamer models? It's gotten to the point that I'm just running straight in, which I don't like quite as well, but at least I don't have that damned "WEEEEEEE!" starting all the time.
Passive Duncans. Happens with a Full Shred, happens with a JB, happens with a JB that I re-potted twice.

I'll freely admit that I hate noise suppressors. I've thought about it, but...ugh. I apparently own the only reasonably quiet 5150 in the world.