7 string guitar suggestions


New Metal Member
Jul 19, 2008
hey guys, i actually made a topic like this a while ago, so, sorry for making a new one, but i kinda need suggestions on a 7 string gutiar. these are the factors that i'm looking for:

1) whammy bar compatibility
2) less than $500
3) great for shredding on the high strings
4) the neck shouldnt be huge, as my hands are medium sized (i use Ibanez)

and also, if i want to play open string chords and stuff in the keys between the open strings of B and E, should i just buy a capo and put it on, so i can do open string stuff in the "in-between" keys? if this works well, i can just go with a floyd rose 7 string. cuz i was thinking if i should get a 7 string that is easily tunable upwards and downwards to get the key i want.

thanks guys for any help. i really would appreciate it
Dude, there is no such thing as what you want. Sorry to bust the bubble. Here's why:

1. Whammy bar (Aka floating bridge) - This will make tuning changes something you fear to do. You shouldn't have to change tuning all the time if you want this kind of setup. You have to choose one or the other to avoid a major headache.
2. Less than $500. Okay, you can find a 7 stringer under $500. But it's really really not worth your money. Your investment will show no return. In other words, you'll be spending a lot for a crap guitar.
3. Most 7 strings are not so good at this. The necks are wider to accommodate a 7th string and that makes shredding a bit more difficult, but possible when you get used to it.
4. Maybe you should look at Ibanez 7's then.

Yes, it's easy to get a 7 string capo or just use your finger to make barred chords.
You can complain about neck size when you play a 6-string bass or a Warr guitar :p
You can do it for under $500, but it's gotta be used. I see Ibanez 7 string guitars from Japan go locally for around $400 in pretty good condition used. Ebay you can grab them for around $400. Make sure the serial number starts with F and you're all good.

Check here
Make sure you know how to play guitar first.....

i will bet you my life savings that i am a much better guitarist than you. the only reason why my first post seemed so noobish is because i actually don't know much about guitars themselves. but i can play the fuck outta one. i was just trying to be nice.
Dude, there is no such thing as what you want. Sorry to bust the bubble. Here's why:

1. Whammy bar (Aka floating bridge) - This will make tuning changes something you fear to do. You shouldn't have to change tuning all the time if you want this kind of setup. You have to choose one or the other to avoid a major headache.
2. Less than $500. Okay, you can find a 7 stringer under $500. But it's really really not worth your money. Your investment will show no return. In other words, you'll be spending a lot for a crap guitar.
3. Most 7 strings are not so good at this. The necks are wider to accommodate a 7th string and that makes shredding a bit more difficult, but possible when you get used to it.
4. Maybe you should look at Ibanez 7's then.

Yes, it's easy to get a 7 string capo or just use your finger to make barred chords.

okay then, i choose to have a whammy bar and a fixed tuning, and i'll use a capo to get my key changes with open strings. oh and btw, i'm not talking about barred chords for the capo. i'm talking about the open string techniques used by Petrucci alot in his acoustic parts and even some metal parts where it is almost necessary to have an easy access open string. and i dont wanna be stuck doing that in only the key of B, E, and A, etc. k?
You can do it for under $500, but it's gotta be used. I see Ibanez 7 string guitars from Japan go locally for around $400 in pretty good condition used. Ebay you can grab them for around $400. Make sure the serial number starts with F and you're all good.

Check here

thank you very much for actually giving me a suggestion. would a RG7321 also be good? thanks
i will bet you my life savings that i am a much better guitarist than you. the only reason why my first post seemed so noobish is because i actually don't know much about guitars themselves. but i can play the fuck outta one. i was just trying to be nice.

I mean, I was just asking about what kind of hair cut I should get because I wanted to be nice and let you guys pick out my hair style. Not like I need to know, what with being the Creator of the world and Maker of human beings and all. It's tough being a god. But if you could point me in the direction of a cheap throne for my cloud kingdom (I'm thinking under $500), that'd be cool. But I don't need your help, though. I got a throne guy.

I bought a brand-new Ibanez RG7420 from Zzounds (or however many z's there are) for $399 on a model-closeout deal. That was sweet. Saved $300.

But as for the tuning deal, I'd recommend using the capo and/or a Tremol-no. But the Tremol-no will lock the bridge and not allow bar use.

But, yes, the fixed bridge is overall the best solution. Though with extreme tuning changes you may run into truss issues.
I mean, I was just asking about what kind of hair cut I should get because I wanted to be nice and let you guys pick out my hair style. Not like I need to know, what with being the Creator of the world and Maker of human beings and all. It's tough being a god. But if you could point me in the direction of a cheap throne for my cloud kingdom (I'm thinking under $500), that'd be cool. But I don't need your help, though. I got a throne guy.


nice nerd story. so you're saying anyone who's good at guitar has to know about guitars themselves? not true. i've been playing my whole life with less than great equipment. so maybe next time, i should act like a pompous jerk so you will automatically think i'm really good at guitar. it doesnt work like that bro. and i stand by the fact that i am probably much greater than that guy and you as well at guitar. you made such a crazy assumption, that i feel sorry for you if that's how you conduct yourself in real life.
It's not working. You kind of turned into a tool in the last thread you started like this too, if I recall. People are giving you good advice, and while Failure of Threads did make kind of an out of context post (to the extent that I would like to think it was a joke, but who knows when it comes to some people here?), you're really not helping your case at all with the kinds of responses you've been giving.

This thread is about guitars though and good advice has been given so let's just keep it on point.
nice nerd story. so you're saying anyone who's good at guitar has to know about guitars themselves? not true. i've been playing my whole life with less than great equipment. so maybe next time, i should act like a pompous jerk so you will automatically think i'm really good at guitar. it doesnt work like that bro. and i stand by the fact that i am probably much greater than that guy and you as well at guitar. you made such a crazy assumption, that i feel sorry for you if that's how you conduct yourself in real life.

I don't even know what this means or how it could be a response derived from my post. I shall consult The Book of Proper Conduct to check for any pertinent musings on the category of assumptions.

Look for a used Ibanez, per Canto's suggestion. Though unless you find a really good deal somewhere, Ken is on point re: pricing of quality 7 strings.
I don't even know what this means or how it could be a response derived from my post. I shall consult The Book of Proper Conduct to check for any pertinent musings on the category of assumptions.

Look for a used Ibanez, per Canto's suggestion. Though unless you find a really good deal somewhere, Ken is on point re: pricing of quality 7 strings.

ok, thanks for contributing. i will probably go for an ibanez, floyd rose. although the last thread told me that Schecters were good as well.
It's not working. You kind of turned into a tool in the last thread you started like this too, if I recall. People are giving you good advice, and while Failure of Threads did make kind of an out of context post (to the extent that I would like to think it was a joke, but who knows when it comes to some people here?), you're really not helping your case at all with the kinds of responses you've been giving.

This thread is about guitars though and good advice has been given so let's just keep it on point.

yea, i'd be a tool if i got random comments like that. and wow, you remember my last thread? hahaha, interesting