7 string guitar suggestions

so maybe next time, i should act like a pompous jerk so you will automatically think i'm really good at guitar.
Well, I think you already covered that with, "I'll bet my life savings I'm a better guitarist than you," and, "I don't know much about guitars, but I can play the fuck out of one."

Excuse us for thinking you don't know your stuff when you're: a.) asking basic questions about gear while having a giant ego, and b.) you type like a 14-year-old.

As for your outrageous skills: no one cares, so stop being a dick. Or prove it via YouTube. Moliti will shred your face off anyway.
Not to mention you get all up Ken's ass for making very valid points about why what you've described is not really available. Sure you can find deals, but that's not something anyone can do for you.

Seems to me like if you're going to ask advice then just become a huge dick when people give you the information, you should stick to good ol' fashioned research. Go to a damn guitar store and ask their dude what he'd recommend (but don't bitch when he knows exactly what he's talking about and it's not the answer you want). Also, i'm curious to see your skills now, which are so mad and over the top that no one on this forum can touch them... right?
Not to mention you get all up Ken's ass for making very valid points about why what you've described is not really available. Sure you can find deals, but that's not something anyone can do for you.

Seems to me like if you're going to ask advice then just become a huge dick when people give you the information, you should stick to good ol' fashioned research. Go to a damn guitar store and ask their dude what he'd recommend (but don't bitch when he knows exactly what he's talking about and it's not the answer you want). Also, i'm curious to see your skills now, which are so mad and over the top that no one on this forum can touch them... right?

in the online world we live in now, i figured i would ask on a message board like this. and all the guitar stores near me do not have 7 string guitars, and if they do, they have 1 or 2 shitty ones. and yea, when i have time, i'll make a youtube vid of some of my guitar playing. and you are being quite the asshole as well. so much for diplomacy. must be pissed from the shitty weather all the time in Seattle.
Well, I think you already covered that with, "I'll bet my life savings I'm a better guitarist than you," and, "I don't know much about guitars, but I can play the fuck out of one."

Excuse us for thinking you don't know your stuff when you're: a.) asking basic questions about gear while having a giant ego, and b.) you type like a 14-year-old.

As for your outrageous skills: no one cares, so stop being a dick. Or prove it via YouTube. Moliti will shred your face off anyway.

i didnt exhibit an ego in my first post. i did so when people were giving attitude when i was just trying to have a learning experience. and you think i type like a 14 year old? haha, wow. i guess we all have to type a certain professional way online? i seriously feel sorry for you if you try to pass that off as an insult. i'm almost graduating college right now with a 3.5 gpa. yeah, who cares right? but hey, i'm just showing the irony in your bullshit statement. your parents must be so proud of you
This is such an immature sight... and this is coming from someone who's not even 15!!! YES! I'm still 14! Until January 17th that is!
the thread is good but the arguments... not so good. a bunch of 30-50 year olds fighting like 2 year olds lol... actually probably half of the peeps here are 20 or under.
Graduating college with a 3.5 GPA with little displayed knowledge of English grammar, whether the grammar be used in a musical forum or in a dissertation being of slight qualification, is quite disturbing. I think that was Jeff's point. But for me it simply causes pause to reflect on our education system and give thanks for Ms. Wilson's ninth-grade grammar lessons.

Irony, indeed!
GPA doesn't mean shit. Bravo, you can memorize text and repeat it on a test paper. College/University doesn't mean jack except you have to pay $150,00 in 4 years just go get paid $20,000 more each year. Big whoop.
Floating Bridge + 7 Strings can be rock solid. Just don't EVER change your string gauge or you're fucked.

Yep on the rock solid, not necessarily on the string guage. You can set them up again fairly easily. It's not a huge deal. I had to do that for Pathosray at Prog Power a couple years ago. Took about 25 minutes to change, adjust the intonation, and trem angle....The cheaper Ibanez 7's have shitty bridges, just like their cheaper 6 strings. I'm going to tremel-no my RG320FM to use with weird tunings, the 770DX has an original Edge on it, so I'm in heaven! :)
I'm really happy with the reissue....


1) You get what you pay for
2) A 7 string with a locing trem would not be reccommended for anybody doing a lot of tuning changes.
