A band called Vehemence...

Originally posted by VEHEMENCE
John from Vehemence here, good to see people talking about us. My question is Meatball Grinder which show did you see us at?
We are a Melodic Death Metal and no doub about that, we listen to EMBRACED, ILL DISPOSED, GOREFEST, ENTOMBED, DISSECTION, MUTANT, SYMBYOSIS. All those crazy underground Swedish bands no one has heard of.

Half-ass advertisement banner "hey I created that banner in photoshop, I know I know, I havent dealth with animated gifts yet, but soon I will, I am just learning, I design 99% of the Vehemence digital artwork.

Hi JOHN! (this is the same Tara from Yahoo!). And to answer you from a few hours ago...yes, sometimes it does snow here in March.
Originally posted by VEHEMENCE
John from Vehemence here, good to see people talking about us. My question is Meatball Grinder which show did you see us at?
We are a Melodic Death Metal and no doub about that, we listen to EMBRACED, ILL DISPOSED, GOREFEST, ENTOMBED, DISSECTION, MUTANT, SYMBYOSIS. All those crazy underground Swedish bands no one has heard of.

Half-ass advertisement banner "hey I created that banner in photoshop, I know I know, I havent dealth with animated gifts yet, but soon I will, I am just learning, I design 99% of the Vehemence digital artwork.

Well i have listened to Entombed and Dissection for some time now, and just recently got into Vehemence. I love your new album. Despite what the others say, this album kicks ass. Nice work.
Originally posted by VEHEMENCE
John from Vehemence here, good to see people talking about us. My question is Meatball Grinder which show did you see us at?
We are a Melodic Death Metal and no doub about that, we listen to EMBRACED, ILL DISPOSED, GOREFEST, ENTOMBED, DISSECTION, MUTANT, SYMBYOSIS. All those crazy underground Swedish bands no one has heard of.

Half-ass advertisement banner "hey I created that banner in photoshop, I know I know, I havent dealth with animated gifts yet, but soon I will, I am just learning, I design 99% of the Vehemence digital artwork.

LOL i hate to be one of these nit-picking douchebags but you didn't mean that Entombed was an underground band that no one has ever heard of, right?
Originally posted by VEHEMENCE
We are a Melodic Death Metal and no doub about that, we listen to EMBRACED, ILL DISPOSED, GOREFEST, ENTOMBED, DISSECTION, MUTANT, SYMBYOSIS. All those crazy underground Swedish bands no one has heard of.

Whoa , a thread about Vehemence??? Anyways, I play in Vehemence as well. I don't really listen to the above metioned bands though. Mutant kicks ass though, and I used to dig Gorefest-False CD back in the day.
"God Was Created" is one of the worst CD's released this year. "Thoughts" was good, but the new one is a horrible attempt at trying to cash in on the "Gaythenburg" phenomenon while still trying to remain "true" their brutal death metal roots. Mix together some other genres, next time.
Originally posted by ImpamiizGraa
the new one is a horrible attempt at trying to cash in on the "Gaythenburg" phenomenon while still trying to remain "true" their brutal death metal roots.

yeah you fucking idiot, we totally "cashed in", now we roll in Bentleys and sip on bottles of Cris all day, poolside in our fucking masions.

I write a lot of the music. You don't know what my "metal roots" even are! I listen to all kinds of shit - and to tell you the truth, I don't really even listen to "brutal" death. Yeah I like some swedish melodic metal, so fucking what. We also like other styles of metal and non-metal, and we do incorporate our other influences in our music.

All I can say is that God Was Created is an honest effort on all our parts, and we aren't trying to cash in on any trend!!!

And by the way, when did underground metal become a trend???
They are not melodic death metal, because melodic death as a genre does not necessarily mean its death metal that is melodic. Melodic death is mostly just death that is much more guitar oriented than normal death. Vehemence is still brutal death, because its not mostly about the guitar, but its actually melodic.
blakmetalemp –thanks for wanting to check it out!

ProphesizedDoom-Yeah most of the bands are not very big at all or they are done with. It would be nice if every one had heard their work because it blows away anything that is coming out right now.

Entombed_Briz_79-Nice to see a fan of The Thoughts From Which I Hide, the album is rare, and we have some true Vehemence fans listening to that one. I thought we worked on GWC, with some new ideas and create something more matured from the basic sound we had on the Thoughts album.

tara-March Metal Melt down we might be playing in March, just thought I would ask about Snow/weather conditions, things like that.

SymbolicDeath666-Thanks for supporting us, even though there are disbelievers!

Faggotcide-Entombed isn’t as big as they used to be, and there sound has changed drastically. Most In Flames, Nile loving kids don’t know who the fuck they are,

PiercedFromWithin1-Thanks for the support and getting the album, we even added some 808 booms, in Lusting For Affection, similar to what Suffocation did in Brood Of Hatred. We also use them in TTFWIH, cephalic carnage overdoes there albums with those though.

FuckYouIWantToDie-Yeah Bjorn, search the UM board “Vehemence’ and you will see all the posts that have the word Vehemence in them.

Disengager-That does have a catchy description to it.

ImpamiizGraa-I see you like Oppressor, they are a very good band, kinda weak on some albums, but a very good live band. As far as saying we are making money, or spazzing over the whole "Gaythenburg" your pretty much wrong about that, we listen to all sorts of music other than metal.

TrueBeliever-You just confused me, I still think we are Melodic Death, harmonized guitars, with growling vocals, and not with speed demon drums.

BloodStainedWalls-Thanks for wanting to get the album, you wont regret it.

The Deathrace King-Immortal just have a connection with Major Chain stores, they are pretty lucky to have that, I wouldn’t mind to have that connection at all.
you can't deny that vehemence is melodic. Maybe if you have only heard songs from the first cd or something (i haven't). But listen to any song on God Was Created; for example, all of them, and you will be blown away like Bill Clinton in a strip club. Bjorn and John are fucking geniouses. So is Nathan, and Andy, and Mark, and Jason. I bet Beethoven would bow his head in glory of them. And if you don't understand Nathan's voice, read the lyrics from the cd as you listen. It's a concept album. Done, without a doubt, perfectly. Vehemence rules.
hmmmm well, they're either a more-brutal-than-usual melodic death band, or a more-melodic-than-usual brutal death band. they seem to be going to first route so tahts what we should call em. either way, ive downloaded 1 song and i like it a lot. i read some reviews and the vocal discription almost scared me off, but luckily they're quite tollerable. i might perchase this album.