A band directly affected by opeth


Aug 12, 2003
Hi everyone, this is my first thread on this board so I doubt any of you know me. I've read the threads on here for a while now though, and replied a few times so It's not like I just spontaneously decided to seek out the message board of my favorite band and post some random bs. I just wanted to address an issue I noticed a couple weeks ago. There was a thread concerning the greatest metal bands of all time, and someone mentioned that Opeth might not have been around long enough to really be an influence. I recently came across a band that hasn't gotten on its feet yet, but shocked me with the originality of their style and composition. I began to correspond with the guitarist(Eyal) nearly a year ago, and found out not too long ago that he "absolutely worships opeth" and has been greatly influenced by them. On first listen you wouldn't think it, but after I while I began to notice minor similarities in some of their riffs. Their sound is amazing, and the sound quality is quite good considering they don't have much of a fan base yet. The name of the band is daath. You can find demo songs at: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/376/dirt_nap3.html

I'm sick of hearing a million different copy cats of the same genre, and being forced to watch them get huge, even if they don't really deserve it. If your anything like me, this band should be refreshing. If you like what you hear, their debut album "futility" can be preordered at: http://daathmusic.com/

Support the independant!
Well the drumming is fairly brutal... I wouldnt directly associate this band with Opeth in any way. Sounds more like a brutalized version of Disturbed... sorta...
I believe the drummer is kevin tally, old drummer of dying fetus. He was in the top three in auditions for the new slayer drummer. Their style isn't anything like Opeth's, but as I said before, Opeth has been a big influence. As for sounding like disturbed, that half scream thing is new, but the rest of "Filter" is more or less relevant to other songs of theirs. "Child says" is my least favorite song to date from them, and "slow" is self explanatory. The unique thing really, is the concept of "Techno Death Metal" and the fact that they pull it off quite well. If you had heard songs from them like "black flame" you would know what I mean. It could become an entire genre. Actually I still have their old songs, so if you want to hear them then I can arrange it somehow...

edit: The ONLY thing in there that sounds like opeth is some of the guitar work in "slow", and other songs that aren't on the site right now. Near the end of "slow" the guitar just kinda starts doing its own thing and tapers away from the song and although the song itself sounds nothing like anything Opeth has put out, it kind of puts you in the same type of groove you might have gotten a sense for on parts of damnation and/or orchid. The fact that they don't sound similar is in my opinion a positive thing, as the influence has not effected their originality. I mean c'mon, do we need another "asgaut"? Blegh, cheap opeth rip offs just don't do it for me.