A band that sounds a lot like For The Fallen Dreams...

Better mastered version:

Reamped the guitars with my Orange Tiny Terror boosted by an MXR GT-OD. Here's the result: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2764370/brokenjaws-mix-03.mp3
I kinda like the sound for this style although it seems to be a bit undefined in the high-mids.

The guitars sound awesome way better than mine. The main ride on the drums throughout the song doesn't really seem to work very well to me though.
The DI's for the guitars sound really clear, like way clearer than my POD. What all did you use to record them?
@MP125 thanks! I don't think your guitars are that bad. Maybe a little bit overgained. The only thing is, that I get the feeling I'm listening to your mix in my bathroom, kinda hollow.
@Tripslipfall it's Slate's Trigger (4 slate snares) but with a single velocity piccolo snare in also. (all through Trigger). Then it's into a few compressors and EQ's. Using one compresser for the slamming sound "API2500" and then using another one to enhance the attack.

Glad you like it, I spend aaaaaaaages getting the combinations I wanted lol
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11682568/Brokenjaws masterb.mp3

Yet another headphone mix, but with very different techniques and vocals.

@TheIllusionist that snare was totally worth the time you spent working on it, really. On a different note, your vocals in the Bed Intruder cover are amazing, do you remember what mic you used back then?

Thanks man, and the vocals are just taken from the original tuned version. I just took the high end off and the low end to minimise the instrumentation
@MP125 thanks! I don't think your guitars are that bad. Maybe a little bit overgained. The only thing is, that I get the feeling I'm listening to your mix in my bathroom, kinda hollow.

Yeah, The plugins I had were just crap. I found the ones I were looking for so now the guitars sound way better. Upon actually getting to listen to it on a set of speakers I could hear the way the reverb was making it sound.

So. Here's the new mix which sound a lot better to me now.
right at the beginning where the drums come in, how do you get them so upfront sounding, they sound huggeee. also what kit is this?