a beer wench made me a drawing tonight


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

pretty fuckin' cool if you ask me. she's pretty hot, very elven.
haha, the 1-star bandit HATH RETURNED.

saw a pretty bitchen funk cover band tonight, their bassist and guitarist were way smokin.
i went and saw my other beerwench later, she gave me free beer per usual.

i'm also getting the runaround from my ex-chick. going out friday. she needs to say what's what otherwise i'm off to plow many beerwenches, their sisters, and possibly other older family members. i've had a 3 foot erection for 2 weeks straight now and it's running out of patience.
my dick has so much power right now several portions are considering secession to become autonomous entities, so such a thing may be possible very soon, in ways previously unknown.

i'm not jewish, but Project Menorahcock is just around the corner.
now is not the time for negative feelings, only positive actions.

oh man that's gay.

fuckit. i'm done waiting around for shit that's never going to happen, been doing that with women for 10 years now. asked out some other bint the other night (for next week), told a friend to hook me up on New Year's, and will probably go back to the pub in a few nights to get this elf chick.