A belated rant


Jul 24, 2002
So....I finally saw the clip of Ashlee Simpsons train wreck of a performance on SNL a couple of weeks ago. Okay, well this is a bit after the fact and I know everyone has already probably stopped talking (or caring) about this subject I'm going to address, but since I only just saw it and everything, I really have to throw in my two cents. Bear with me, lol....

I had heard about the performance and the mishap with the pre-recorded track. It didn't surprise me any because frankly, if anyone who ever bothered to watch her awful reality show on MTV could plainly see, the girl's "talent" is limited at best. I had also heard about her off key singing live at the awards show, which again just showed that while she might have the drive to want to be famous, she is not ready to be out there being hailed and praised alongside other singers, musicians, and artists who have spent many years honing their craft.

Now, many artists, even legitimate ones, have gone onto television and mimed to a recording of their own song, it's been done for years. Many shows prefer it this way because it's simpler to control volume problems and such. SNL, however, has always been a source of live music from its weekly guests. Even some of the rap artists have performed on SNL, they've brought along a live band of musicians to back them up rather than just rap along to a pre-recorded backing track. Sometimes also, backing tracks are used on television as well as live concerts, in order to "fill out" some sections that are difficult or near impossible to recreat with a live band, such as orchestra parts, multiple layered harmonies, sound effects, etc. When this is done, I don't really have a problem with it at all, I can understand its necessity.
When a backing track is used to basically fake out an audience into believing that the singer onstage is really singing when they're merely just mouthing words, that's when I think it's wrong. Ashlee obviously is guilty of this, and like I said, the fact that she can't go on tv and sing her song completely live for fear of her weak talent showing through, just proves that she doesn't belong where she is, at least not yet. Had she waited a while longer, really trained herself and "paid her dues", then she might've eventually been a good singer who could stand on her own two feet. But no, as per usual with the pop star making machinery, they had to push her out there right now, and cash in while she was still young, which of course is a big marketing ploy, and also while her homely dumb-as-a-sack-of-horsheshit, googly eyed sister was still "hot" on the charts and on television. This stuff is just typical for the industry nowadays, really, and it comes as no surprise.

I guess what irked me the most and made me want to go off on this rant though, is the fact that at the end of the SNL episode, she blames her band for "playing the wrong song". Fucking unbelieveable. First of all, it's plain to see that the problem was not that of the band, but of the person in the control room who played the vocal tape for the wrong song, which shouldn't have been an issue had she BEEN A GOOD FUCKING VOCALIST AND NOT NEEDED A PRE-RECORDED VOCAL TRACK. Had she at the least come out and apologised later and said anything else, even if she said "My throat gave out on me that afternoon and it was too late to cancel so we resorted to me using a recorded tape for vocals" then I could at least say it was possibly a feasable excuse. But in typical bullshit music biz style, they blame it on the poor backing musicians who are just trying to work a decent paying gig in an overcrowded industy. It just blew me away. "No, don't hate me please! I'm a cute popstar! It's someone else's fault, blame them! They're just faceless hired musicians noone cares about! They can take the fall for me! Oh dear god, how are my Soundscan numbers going to look after all this?" Ri-goddamn-diculous.
I am thankful that I am in a scene where crap like this wouldn't be accepted, and where record labels like ours would never force any kind of crap like this down anyone's throats. Meanwhile the huge corporate companies are just walking corruption. I'm no Milli Vanilli fan, and I think they deserved to be ridiculed for what they did, but isn't it ironic that the man who masterminded the entire MV scam, some German pop producer, is still working in the business today and continues to make records? Why wasn't he ridiculed and blacklisted along with the two assclowns in MV? lol Because he was a powerful industry person, and he knew how to manipulate the situation. When people started to catch onto the fact that perhaps those guys werent really singing those songs, it was the producer who went public and pulled the rug out from under them, so as to make himself look like the "good guy" for coming forward with it.....even though it was his total fucking idea to do the whole scam in the first place, and even threatened the Milli Vanilli guys with lawsuits, bankruptcy, and disgrace when they tried to back out of the deal or ask that they be given the chance to come clean first. Anyhow, my point is, it really angers me when I see the industry pull some fucking bullshit like Ashlee Simpson or any of these other fabricated pop acts, and then when things go wrong, they find someone else to blame for it, some "insignificant" person(s) that aren't media darlings of the moment.

Okay, I'm done. It just bugged me and I felt like going off about it. Nothing better going on around here right now anyhow lol:hotjump:
It's funny you mentioned this Larry, because at work today I spent a good hour or so looking up that video from SNL, and Milli Vanilli videos from the grammys in 1990 where they had their grammy taken away because they didn't even sing their own songs. Me and my buddies watched SNL the week after the Ashlee deal and Eminem was on there mouthing along to his cd as well and I think they even gave him shit about it. That whole business with the band playing the wrong song with Ashlee is hillarious. That bitch is so dumb she should go into porn. At least then her mouth would get a better work out then her doing a jig in the middle of the stage on a live TV show because she didn't know what else to do when they started playing a different song on the tape. And yet even with Ashlee Simpson and Eminem mouthing words on the stage on SNL instead of actually performing, this type of music will still be played and be popular for years to come.
I'm sure most people can figure this out, unless you're a devoted eleventeen year old Simpson fan, but her band did not fuck up. In fact, they did the pro thing, they kept playing even after Ashlee walked offstage. It wouldn't have occurred to her to have them turn her mic on and actually sing the song live and jump back in with the band. Then they could've just said it was a "temporary technical difficulty". But then again, that would've meant her actually having to sing it live, which she can't do.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
I'm sure most people can figure this out, unless you're a devoted eleventeen year old Simpson fan, but her band did not fuck up. In fact, they did the pro thing, they kept playing even after Ashlee walked offstage. It wouldn't have occurred to her to have them turn her mic on and actually sing the song live and jump back in with the band. Then they could've just said it was a "temporary technical difficulty". But then again, that would've meant her actually having to sing it live, which she can't do.
Like I said Larry Porno! Porno! Porno!
After the Milli Vanilli thing, I boycotted all that producer's albums. I still supported Rob & Fab!!!
A lawyer in Chicago was trying to organize a class action lawsuit on behalf of Chicago Bears season ticket holders. The suit was seeking damages caused by the ownership/management of the Bears unwillingness to field a competitive team. This is appalling!!!!!!
After todays game, I can see the dudes point! As far as Thursday is concerned... I will be in a triptophan coma by 5:00 so who gives a hoot? I'm firmly entrenched in minor league hockey and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas at the moment, so I can suffer a football apocolypse without much stress, hehe.
I've been waiting my whole life to see the Bears win. I was all excited when they made it to the playoffs (was it last year or the year before...?). But oh well. Their defense has been doing well, but they seem to lack momentum without Urlacher (sp?). If they could just score points, or play like they did against the Giants a couple weeks back. That was sweet. Oh, and screw Ashley Simpson. Haha.
katatonic_fear said:
I've been waiting my whole life to see the Bears win. I was all excited when they made it to the playoffs (was it last year or the year before...?). But oh well. Their defense has been doing well, but they seem to lack momentum without Urlacher (sp?). If they could just score points, or play like they did against the Giants a couple weeks back. That was sweet. Oh, and screw Ashley Simpson. Haha.
My birthday is actually on the same day that the Bears won their only superbowl. I was born a year before, and on my first birthday they crushed the Patriots. So, that is kind of cool, but on the other hand I've never seen a good Bears team.

But yeah as you said if we could only score, and with Quinn and Krenzel in we were just awful, save from Krenzel's 3 wins where the offense was awful, but the defense was great. The Dallas game was just atrocious, we should have won, but with are awful offense we couldn't do anything. We actually got someone in there that could throw last week, and we absolutely killed the Vikings, also thanks to a great defense. Without the defense we would have lost, but most certainly without those three TD passes of Hutchinson's. I hope he can keep it up, it was just one game though, but as long as we have had someone in there that could score we have been in close games.(the first few games with Grossman + he didn't turn it over like literally 15 times before he was injured like Krenzel)