A cancer update, and our block party.


METAL... nuff said!
Allright kiddies... our first gig since the cancer diagnosis.
Good news and bad news:

Good news, Roger is now DONE with the chemotherapy. He had his last Bliomicin last Tuesday. Bad news, he always has to puke after the Tuesday treatments, and this past Tuesday's was the very worst he's had. He was wretching so hard, he hurt his right shoulder and ribs. He hasn't slept in his own bed since then, cuz he can't lay flat on his back without severe pain. Something really got messed up in there. Not cool, especially since we had the block party to jam for. We had band practices last Saturday and Sunday, and we all felt really really good about the songs, and Roger was feeling quite normal and had high morale for the first time in weeks. Then he goes and wrecks his shoulder! So we really didn't think we'd be able to pull off the show the way he was feeling. So he called the doc, got extra-strength Vicodins, and got all hopped up and dopey for the week. REALLY dopey. He sat in the couch for a whole day and stared at the wall, and he told me he was content as a pig in shit. Folks... you gotta be completely OUT OF IT to be content with one of my walls!

Saturday morning came, and he felt reasonably good. He wasn't much help hauling our gear, but we still managed to get everything set up and ready to rock. Then we talked about cutting down the song list as we go, but he said he felt good enough to play. So we just started, and did pretty good. We played all but only one of the songs we had ready, and that was cuz I burned out my voice by the end of the show! The crowd loved the show, and a whole cheering section exploded when Kevin played Joe Satriani's Summer Song. They loved it! We played 21 songs and people loved it all. We finished the night with Freebird, and we had people slow-dancing in the street in front of us, and then we kicked into the super-long guitar solo and the crowd went crazy! They didn't want us to stop, but Roger was getting tired, and Jeremy burned out cuz he was really showing some heat exhaustion. His drumset was under the canopy just in case it rained (it always seems to try to rain on our block parties) and it acted like a sauna by trapping all the warm air. He got off his drumset, went in the house, and wrapped his head in a cold wet towel.

But it was a great party, and the crowd loved it, and we felt really good to know we can still rock.

So yesterday, Roger had the CAT scans of his head and torso, and next Monday the doc will tell us the results of the exams. Then we'll know where we stand, and how well he fought this fight. Manticora is less than two months away... he just might live to see them! :headbang:

That's all I've got to report! If I can get some pictures from people, I'll put them up on our website and you can check them out.
I'm happy for you and your brother. I know what you are going through.

My mother has taken a turn for the worse this week, things had looked so encouraging for awhile. Right now we are taking things day by day because you never know what's around the corner.

Take care and tell your bro to keep continuing to get well!
BABS said:
I'm happy for you and your brother. I know what you are going through.

My mother has taken a turn for the worse this week, things had looked so encouraging for awhile. Right now we are taking things day by day because you never know what's around the corner.

Take care and tell your bro to keep continuing to get well!
All kidding and insults aside, I hope things go well for your mom.....
Thank you Dub. Don't worry, one day I'll be back on my game and you and I can hurl barbs at each other!!!! That's what I love most about you :)

As for my mom, let's just say she's been through a lot these past few years. Quadruple heart bypass back in 2000, a partial mastectomy due to early breast cancer detection two years ago. Those sort of things you can fix, what cannot be fixed is her surpressed immune system and the fact that she's been sustained by blood transfusions the past few years. She has myelodyplastic syndrome, which is the forerunner to leukemia. She has gone from needing a transfusion every few months, to now once a week. For the time-being that has been working, but things are sort of winding down with her physically. It stresses her heart when this happens, the kidneys take a beating (she is also a diabetic) and in general it takes a while to bounce back. A healthy immune system would rebound quicker, but for her it takes quite some time.

A few days ago she was given communion at home and she had mentioned to the person that she was open to hospice. That has thrown me and my daughter for a loop, and we don't wish to see her give up, yet we have to realize that we're not the ones living in her body. It's sad.

She was hospitalized again a few days ago due to severe dehydration and weakness, she seems so little when I look at her curled up in the bed. We've been trying to get her to eat and last night she actually perked up pretty good, and this morning when I called the hospital to check on her, they said "do you want to talk to her?" I was shocked and said "she's awake?" and they are like "yeah, she's been up for a while, she's eating breakfast..." I spent about 40 minutes talking to her on the phone and she can probably come home tomorrow.

So we've had a lot of lows and highs with this. Today I'm feeling better about things, people tell me it's false hope - but it's all I have right now. And if my mother wants to be in her house, she will be there! I don't care what it takes.

I have been in touch with a hospice coordinator, and we will have that option on the backburner for when it's truly needed, but at this point I'm not ready to let go.
Both your brother Bryan, and your mom Babs, are in my thoughts and prayers. It is really hard sometimes to know what to do, or say, in these situations...nothing ever seems quite appropriate, somehow. God bless you both and your families.
Oh my GAWD!

You're at least making some of that up, right??? That's just too much for one person to withstand. At all. I thought our God was a merciful, loving God. He proves that wrong every day, man....

I'm really sorry, Babs, and the hardest part is knowing you're fighting such terrible odds. It's like her body just wants to quit out on her.

Simply not fair.

Fuck... life sure gets depressing every once in a while.
TheWhisper said:
Both your brother Bryan, and your mom Babs, are in my thoughts and prayers. It is really hard sometimes to know what to do, or say, in these situations...nothing ever seems quite appropriate, somehow. God bless you both and your families.
let me echo this one... best hopes and wishes to you all.
Babs, same over here. Just as well as Bryant, you will get over this, just be positive and work hard!!! My thought and prayers are with you and your families.
I tried to help my brother out last night and I gave him a decent back massage (something usually reserved for the foxy chicas, but I suppose my own brother deserves an exception) and he's just screwed up from trying to sleep upright. His neck hurts regularly now, and his lower ribs under his right arm are ever so tender. I really do think that there's a hairline fracture in there. Hell... after he cracked his spine from the snowmobile, I don't doubt it. And given that he needed the bone marrow booster shot, it makes sense to think his bones are in a weakened state. NOOO I'm not talking osteoporosis or low calcium or anything like that. If anything, my brother and I should have the strongest bones alive from all our milk and cookie binges! But I can't think that all this pain is caused by a simple pinched nerve or pulled muscle. There's gotta be something serious there that's not going to heal quickly.

And I'll be damned if I can convince him to just go get an x-ray done. Stubborn fucker.... "Even if it IS fractured, they can't put me in a cast for a cracked rib!" Well excuuuuuuse meeeeeeeee!!!
You'll find Bryan316, that even when they are so sick - they are still in control (lol).

I know it seems like my mother has been hit with alot. This is due to her diabetes, unfortunately it opened the flood gates to other health issues. Diabetes is one of those silent illnesses that wallops the organs and immune system. That led to the heart problems, then led to the breast cancer (which her sister also had and got well from). Being that her immune system still was compromised, then the blood disorder happened, etc. On and on.

My mom is an absolute trooper, I think I now know where I get my tenacity from :)