A collaberation song done for fun... from the show metalocalypse, song: thunderhorse.

Jun 2, 2005
Check it out here:


From the metal cartoon show "metalocalypse", performed by dethclock, and the song is called thunderhorse.

Here are the fellas who did this one:

- Rhytm guitars: WillShrdForFood.
- Lead guitars: Cobrahead1030.
- Bass guitar: Keithrt99.
- Drums/synths/mix: Black Neon Bob.

I don't even know the song, we dont get the show over here, but i do like the tune!

So for those of you that are into the show/cartoon, check it out and enjoy.
God damn! Is there any real drummers these days? Im getting the impression their smelly sandwitch covered asses are being replaced more and more these days! lol.

Awesome song like lads :D Kudos!
You cant replace such players as Lombardo/Hoglan mind! Gotta have some human element in there. I play my own drums! It is fun.....

Who wants to play live with a machine that could explode after some spilt beer! Plus you need somebody too throw stuff at and blame for the smell at the back of the stage!! =D I rarely like drummers I must admit because every one of them has let me down. However if your a drummer + your a good player and dedicated you get twice the respect!! :worship:
Awesome song dude.....i might be interested in doing vocals

yeh fuck drummers and there bullshit attitude
Big reason i like programmed drums is because there are just so fucking tight.....
i really dont give a shit if you are HUMAN or MACHINE.....you just gotta be dead on with drums......or there shit
if you wanna hear the original, just do a youtube search for thunderhorse and you'll see the video from the show

programmed drums are increasingly popular for two reasons...

1...it's HARD to find a decent drummer who can play anything tight and cleanly, let alone fast/difficult stuff

2...it's a lot cheaper to program drums than it would be to get an equally good drum sound with a real recording

with my band we always use real drums for anything we put out, but we record a lot of scratch/demo tracks that only we listen to which always use programmed drums

there's no substitute for a good drummer, but the bad ones have a run for their money these days